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Re: Not Shooting Ourselves In The Foot

Dear Dave

You write
>An underlying assumption is that what we've
> seen is so horrendous that we are unable to digest or to deal with it, and
> only he with his logical approach is able to cope.

I didn't intend to suggest that there is any difference between anyone
else's ability to digest those experiences and my own. I'm sorry it could be
read that way.

> But more than that is a strong hint that we are dangerous and prolonging
> agony for the Iraqi people, there is no place for freedom of thought
> Mil's construction.

I think Dave would agree that by making claims which the Government can
immediately knock down, we weaken our movement, and that weakening our
movement sets back the cause of the Iraqi people.

So, let's stop making claims we can't back up!

That's all I'm saying!

I can't see how that is a totalitarian proposition.

There are plenty of things we can say, not least quoting Hans von Sponeck
and Denis Halliday's views of the humanitarian situation, as Dave does very
ably in his excellent and passionate and thoughtful campaigning.



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