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the BBC

My computer has only just recovered so I'm late with this:

On the night of the bombing (Feb 17th) the BBC 10pm News said 
"... two UN declared no fly zones"

Did anyone else raised this with the BBC? I phoned to complain 
immediately - but a phone call gets no written apology although the 
complaint is circulated immediately within the BBC.

This can't just be appalling journalism!

I have mentioned this in the past but I feel that BBC TV reporting (or 
lack of it) is crucial to the ability of the British Government to 
continue with its genocidal and illegal policies on Iraq.

The above false statement (conferring legitimacy on the no fly 
zones) is probably what most affected public opinion on this 

The same news broadcast of course had heavy bias against the 
superbaddy SH.
Mark Parkinson

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