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re: Caritas pleads for an end to Iraq Embargo


Caritas Again Pleads for End to Iraq Embargo

ROME, MAR. 12, 2001 ( Caritas International has repeated its
call for an end to the U.N.-backed embargo against Iraq, saying its
principal victims are innocent civilians.

Ten years of embargo have moved oil-rich Iraq to the 126th place among
nations in terms of human development, said Caritas, the organization that
coordinates the aid of Catholic bishops' conferences worldwide.

With assistance from sister organizations, Caritas-Iraq has made it
possible for 250,000 people to benefit from food distribution, and 18,000
newborns and young children to receive medical care.

It has financed the reconstruction of homes and aqueducts in several parts
of the country, though only enough to cover "a small part of the present
needs in Iraq," Caritas said in a press statement.

The statement quotes a 1998 address of John Paul II, in which he stated
that the "weak and innocent" should not pay "for the errors of other
persons." The statement adds, "There is no justification to maintain the
present global economic sanctions against Iraq."

ZENIT Editorial Address:
C.P. 18356 00164 Rome Italy

Copyright 2001, Innovative Media, Inc.

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