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Amman Declaration: "We call for lifting the sanctions on Iraq" (28 Mar 01)

Below are two translations confirming the 28 March 2001 Amman Declaration's call to lift sanctions, 
first reported in

One is the Jordan News Agency version referenced by and later provided by that post's author.

Underneath excerpts find full text translations and another version circulated on National Public 
Radio (NPR).  Note the NPR version suggests delegates want sanctions removal to be dependent upon 
progress with Kuwaiti POWs and other humanitarian issues, whereas the provided Jordanian versions 
do not. 

Note also "The Arab leaders entrusted His Majesty King Abdullah, President of the summit to conduct 
consultations with Arab leaders and the Arab league to continue discussing the "Situation between 
Iraq and Kuwait,".


Jordan News Agency

Amman Declaration

Amman, March 28 , (Petra)---Following is the full text of Amman Declaration issued on Wednesday at 
the closing session of the 13th ordinary Arab summit: 

...We call for lifting the sanctions on Iraq and for dealing with the humanitarian issues 
pertaining to Iraqi, Kuwaiti and other prisoners of war according to the principles of our religion 
and national heritage. 




LENGTH: 1021 words 
HEADLINE: Summit final declaration urges Arab unity, support for Palestinians 
SOURCE: Source: Jordan TV Channel 1, Amman, in Arabic 1117 gmt 28 Mar 01 

...Calling for the removal of the sanctions on Iraq and dealing with the humanitarian issues 
pertaining to the Kuwaiti prisoners and the missing Kuwaitis and Iraqis as well as others in 
accordance with the principles of our national, religious and humanitarian legacy. 




Copyright 2001 National Public Radio (R). All rights reserved. No quotes from the materials 
contained herein may be used in any media without attribution to National Public Radio. This 
transcript may not be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written permission. For further 
information, please contact NPR's Permissions Coordinator at (202) 513-2000.   
National Public Radio (NPR) 
March 28, 2001, Wednesday 

LENGTH: 471 words 


'We call for the lifting of the blockade on Iraq,' it says, 'provided Iraq responds to Kuwait's 
concerns about prisoners of war and other humanitarian issues.' 


Jordan News Agency

Amman Declaration

Amman, March 28, (Petra)---Following is the full text of Amman Declaration issued on Wednesday at 
the closing session of the 13th ordinary Arab summit: 

We, Kings, President and Emirs of the Arab countries, convened our summit in its 13th ordinary 
session in Amman, after we had conducted an overall assessment of the inter-Arab relations, the 
current Arab circumstances, and in light of the challenges facing the nation, the threats 
infringing the Arab nation's security and the situation the Mideast peace process has come to, 
taking into consideration the international changes particularly the information revolution, 
globalization and the emergence of gigantic regional blocs, and in the wake of our willingness to 
further boost inter-Arab relations to achieve the supreme objectives of the Arab nation, we declare 
the following: 

We adhere to our national bonds of brotherhood that brings together Arab nation's citizens and 
unite their objectives, to the principles of the Arab League's charter and to the preservation of 
the pan-Arab national security on the basis respecting the sovereignty of each country on its land, 
resources and rights and prohibiting interference in internal affairs and the use of force or 
threat and the commitment to settle disputes through peaceful means. 

We affirm our commitment to the decision to convene the Arab summit regularly and on its fixed date 
due to its significance to give momentum to the joint Arab action. 

We stress the need to pursue efforts to further cement Arab solidarity and to revive the joint Arab 
action to achieve Arab economic integration according to a new approach based on objective and 
realistic rules and on accumulative and gradual work that safeguards each country's uniqueness and 
national interests and simultaneously achieves continuous sectoral 
cooperation and coordination among Arab institutions and bodies having similar orientations and 

We support interaction among Arab citizens in the Arab countries to further strengthen links and to 
safeguard their interests and enhance their role to contribute to the march of Arab development 
which will have a positive impact on fortifying the nation and protecting its identity. We 
encourage interaction with other cultures and civilizations stemming from the noble message of 
Islam that rejects racism and calls for tolerance and co-existence on the basis of mutual respect 
and on safeguarding 
legitimate rights. 

We offer full assistance to the Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese brethren in their strife to 
restore their legitimate rights, affirming that the Israeli withdrawal from all occupied Arab 
territories particularly Jerusalem, the Syrian Golan heights and the Lebanese Sheba Farms till the 
4 June 1967 borderline is the only means to realize just and comprehensive peace in the Middle 
East. The realization of this peace is the sole guarantee 
to provide security for all, which is closely associated to freeing the region from weapons of 
mass-destruction foremost of which is Israel's nuclear weapons. 

In this regard, we appeal to the international community and all 
the parties concerned with international peace and security to shoulder their responsibilities 
within a comprehensive and balanced criteria. We call for lifting the sanctions on Iraq and for 
dealing with the humanitarian issues pertaining to Iraqi, Kuwaiti and other prisoners of war 
according to the principles of our religion and national heritage. 

We call upon all Arabs to raise up the minor differences, to pursue efforts to achieve inter-Arab 
reconciliation and to refrain from whatever that may harm Arab solidarity or may threaten the Arab 
national security or the national security of any country including the role of media- without 
affecting freedom of speech- in moulding the national public opinion that 
supports the joint Arab action and defends the Arab nation's causes and the citizens' rights most 
significant of which is the rights of the Arab citizen. 

We urge every Arab country to taking the necessary steps, each according to its own circumstances, 
to speed up the establishment of the Arab great free trade zone and to offer full support to the 
Arab ministerial commission entrusted to follow up the implementation of Amman Arab summit 
We express our appreciation to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan 
under the leadership of His Majesty king Abdullah II for its efforts exerted and distinctive 
preparations made to host this summit, affirming our full confidence in His Majesty's leadership of 
the joint Arab action with utmost wisdom, responsibility and keenness to enhance efforts to boost 
Arab solidarity. 

The Arab leaders entrusted His Majesty King Abdullah, President of the summit to conduct 
consultations with Arab leaders and the Arab league to continue discussing the "Situation between 
Iraq and Kuwait,". 



Copyright 2001 British Broadcasting Corporation   
BBC Summary of World Broadcasts 
March 30, 2001, Friday 

LENGTH: 514 words 
HEADLINE: Arab leaders at Amman summit "dismayed" at US veto for UN Palestinian force 
SOURCE: Source: Jordan TV Channel 1, Amman, in Arabic 1148 gmt 28 Mar 01 

Jordanian Foreign Minister Abd-al-Ilah al-Khatib and Arab League Secretary-General Ismat 
Abd-al-Majid both said that Arab leaders at the Amman summit "expressed their strong dismay" at the 
US veto of the UN Security Council resolution that would have backed the sending of an unarmed 
observer force to the West Bank and Gaza. They were speaking at a news conference in Amman on 28 
March, with was broadcast live by Jordan television. They also spoke of the differences between 
Iraqi and Kuwait. 

Al-Khatib said: "There was a vote in the UN Security Council this morning over a resolution 
offering protection for the Palestinian people in the occupied territories. The [Arab] leaders 
expressed their dismay at the United States' use of the veto. They felt this was a contradiction 
and violation of the United States' role, as a peace sponsor and as a permanent UNSC member with a 
special responsibility towards keeping international peace and security. We hope it will continue 
to play such a role." 

The foreign minister went on to speak of the foreign ministers' meetings prior to the Arab summit. 
He noted "intensive consultations over the situation between Iraq and Kuwait." 

He said: "These consultations are important because it is the first time since the Gulf crisis 
[1991] that intensive consultations were held for several days to seriously and objectively examine 
all details pertaining to sisters Iraq and Kuwait. The great majority of the Arab foreign ministers 
participated in these talks, and we listened to the requests, concerns, and evaluation of our 
brothers in Iraq and Kuwait. 

"We tried to reach agreement on formulating the wording to express our understanding of these 
concerns, but we were unable to reach agreement on all the wording within the time frame given for 
the summit. There were some details that we were unable to finalize, but the summit has decided to 
trust His Majesty King Abdallah II, in his capacity as president of the Arab Summit, with holding 
consultations with his brothers the Arab leaders and the Arab League secretary-general and making 
the necessary contacts to continue discussing this issue in a manner that would serve Arab 

Arab League Secretary-General Ismat Abd-al-Majid also summarized the proceedings of the Arab summit 
meetings. He read paragraph 10 of the final statement: "The leaders expressed their strong dismay 
with the United States' use of the veto in the UNSC against the draft resolution on protecting the 
Palestinian people and establishing a UN observer force. They believed that the US stand in this 
regard contradicts its responsibilities as peace process sponsor." 

He also drew attention to a paragraph in the Amman Declaration, which he said was added after 
high-level contacts. The paragraph read: "Calling for the removal of the sanctions on Iraq and 
dealing with the humanitarian issues pertaining to the Kuwaiti prisoners and the missing Kuwaitis 
and Iraqis as well as others in accordance with the principles of our national, religious, and 
humanitarian legacy." 

LOAD-DATE: March 29, 2001

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