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depleted uranium evening and the endless factionism of the left

hello everybody,
     for those of you who are passing by copenhagen on the 23rd of may, you
are more than welcome to join a little "debate evening" we are having on
depleted uranium. the details are not absolutely clear at the moment but if
you're interested just mail me.

more practically we would like to start the evening with a short film ( in
english) which introduces the theme. does such a film exist? if you know of
such a film or have a copy of one please, please, please write and tell me
about it.

we are also at the moment attempting to create a sort of "iraq network"
where NGOs and such the like can co-operate or at least talk together and
exchange experiences of campaigning in this area. this seemed like the
obvious thing to given the very limited resources to do this in such a
small land as denmark. This however, is proving to be a formidible task. is
there anyone out there with experience of attmpting to get this kind of
thing to work? i'd really like to hear your experiences. i know it'll be
very different in dk but some lessons must surely apply to both countries.

and finally it is inspiring to listen to you all still fighting the fight
in england. keep up the good work.

Tomas Frederiksen
Iraq group of the danish association for international co-operation

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