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Voices US 40 Day Fast Ends Today

Dear all

Today, Friday 14 September, Voices in the Wilderness US ends a 40-
day liquids-only fast in New York, at 1pm New York time.

After the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre, the fasters 
discontinued their vigil outside the UN. Originally their plan was to 
end the fast outside the US Mission to the UN - this may still go ahead, 
as this excerpt from an earlier pre-11 September press release 

For more please go to


Cynthia Banas, a librarian from Vernon, NY who has been fasting 
since August 6, said that she plans to end the fast, with the group, on 
Friday, September 14,  at 1:00 p.m. at their vigil site across from the 
US Mission to the UN.  

Banas faces four court dates for previous arrests during her time 
fasting. "We'll cook enough embargoed lentils, purchased in Iraq, to 
share a meal with the general public. We hope UN workers and 
visitors will symbolically break the embargo with us as a sign of
approval for breaking ranks with lethally cruel policies that have 
harmed Iraq's children.  I've worked as a UN volunteer for twenty 
years, but participation in the "Breaking Ranks" fast was the best 
contribution I could make to the UN." 

"Current policies in Iraq violate the UN's own charter. The UN 
should never be used to wage warfare, economic warfare,
against children and other innocent civilians."


Please remember that 20-30 November is the International 11 Days 
of Action Against the Economic Sanctions On Iraq. The 11 Days of 
Action are needed now more than ever.

Best wishes


Milan Rai
Joint Coordinator, Voices in the Wilderness UK
29 Gensing Road, St Leonards on Sea East Sussex UK TN38 0HE
Phone/fax 0845 458 9571 local rate within UK
Phone/fax 44 1424 428 792 from outside UK
Pager 07623 746 462
Voices website

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