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News, 2­8/9/01 (1)

News, 2­8/9/01 (1)

Under the circumstances, the news for 2-8/9/01, arriving a week late, may
look like prehistory. But some mildly interesting things did happen in the
days leading up to Armageddon: continued bombing raids; the expulsion of UN
employees; a Œgas mishapı (under the heading Inside Iraq) which, if the
story is true, would provide evidence of Iraqi production of chemical
weapons; a terrorist bomb in the middle of Baghdad (but now that Mr Bush and
Mr Blair have declared war on all terrorism of this sort we may expect firm
action in support of the internationally recognized government of Iraq.
Maynıt we?); another defection on the part of a member of S.Husseinıs
family.  A more up to date news compilation will, I hope, follow shortly.


*  Russia denounces U.S. airstrikes on Iraq (relating to the attack on Basra
airport, Wednesday, August 30)
*  Iraqi missiles intercept raiding warplanes (apparently on Monday, 4th
*  U.S. planes attack southern Iraq-Pentagon (Tuesday, 5th September)
*  Raids destroy a portable [SIC - PB. Œpotableı?] water pipe in Iraq
(apparently on Thursday, 7th September)


*  Iraq can purchase equipment (Extracts ­ this refers to telecom equipment
from France since the Master of the World allowed a similar deal with China
in order to get Œsmart sanctionsı through)
*  Iraq Urges UNIKOM to Report Airspace Violations by US, British Warplanes
(includes the following bizarre statement: ŒUNIKOM Commander John A. Vize
said on August 30 that a total of 195 military monitors can not identify the
warplanes that fly over the Iraqi Kuwaiti border. "If I, or any of my
soldiers, identified a US or a British or whatever aircraft by its makings,
then we will report this," he said. Annan said in February that the UNIKOM
had recorded more than 200 aerial violations of the border since 1991, but
it could not determine the nationalities.ı
*  Expelled UN employees leave Iraq quickly for safety
*  Eight UN staff expelled for spying - Iraq
*  Expulsion of Six Staffers by Iraq Roils [Security Council] Meeting
*  UN: Iraq must explain spy charges against 8 staff


*  Stolen computers worth £20m 'destined for Iraq' (The article says that Œ
countries such as Iraq, Libya and Syria are barred under United Nations
sanctions from importing sophisticated computersı. Is Syria under UN
sanctions of this sort?)
*  Iraq keen to boost ties with India
*  Baghdad calls on Finland to reopen its embassy in Iraq
*  Iran, Iraq at football war, China prepare in secrecy
*  Iran beats Iraq 2-1
*  An Iraqi project to the Inter- Parliamentary conference (a very
reasonable and moderate proposal that some sort of appeals system should be
established with regard to decisions of the Security Council)
*  Iraq uses the Euro in its trade deals

AND, IN NEWS 2-8/9/01 (2):


*  Eleven years of sanctions (general reflections on the effect of the
blockade, but centred on the Voices in the Wilderness fast in New York)


*  Why Saddam Likes Getting Bombed (welldrawn argument that present US
policy serves S.Husseinıs interest)
*  Book Reports on Secret U.S. Biological Weapons Research (but the article
does convey the naive impression that this very advanced research is being
done entirely with a view to knowing what sort of wickedness an enemy might
get up to)


*  Poison gas mishap kills 20 Iraqi soldiers
*  WHO concludes visit to Baghdad
*  Saddam relative 'seeks asylum'
*  Life in Sanctions-Hit Iraq Is Harsh and Short
*  Several hurt in Baghdad bomb blast
*  Iran strongly rejects Iraq's claims on blast involvement


*  Iraq's Rasheed: Iraq says world oil prices still too low
*  Gas pipeline between Turkey, Iraq


*  Kurds alarm over 'smart sanctions'


*  Iraq says pilot's body proves its sincerity on POWs
*  Turkish firms to hold medical fair in Iraq


Hoover's, 3rd September

MOSCOW (AP) _ Russia's Foreign Ministry on Monday denounced U.S. airstrikes
on Iraq, including an attack on an Iraqi airport last week, and urged more

"We are firmly convinced that the solution of the Iraqi question is
attainable not through airstrikes but through paths of responsible,
constructive dialogue built on principles of respect for the sovereignty and
territorial integrity of the Iraqi state," the Foreign Ministry said in a

The statement criticized "near daily" violations of Iraqi air space,
including an Aug. 30 airstrike on the Basra airport. Iraqi state media said
the attack destroyed the facility and injured a civilian.

The U.S. military said the F-16 fighter jets targeted the airport "in
response to recent Iraqi hostile threats." It was the third airstrike on
targets in southern Iraq in a week.


Arabic News, 4th September

The Iraqi missiles and anti- aircraft means have intercepted US and British
planes which were flying in the Iraqi airspace.

An Iraqi military spokesman in Baghdad explained on Monday that several US
and British formations backed by AWACS planes carried out 18 armed sorties
over the provinces of Dahouk, Irbil and Ninwa.

The military spokesman added that other US and British warplanes formations
supported by AWACS planes also carried out other 18 armed sorties over areas
in the provinces of Zee Qaar and al-Muthanna to the south of Iraq and forced
them to flee back to their bases.

The spokesman stressed that the total number of US and British warplanes
over north and south Iraq has reached 34711 armed sorties since December

Washington, Reuters, 5th September

U.S. jets attacked anti-aircraft guns and missile sites in southern Iraq on
Tuesday, the fourth time in 11 days in a campaign to disable Baghdad's air
defenses, the Pentagon said.

The Navy F-18 and Air Force F-16 jets attacked the military targets at
as-Samawah in a "no-fly" zone about 130 miles (210 km) southeast of Baghdad,
Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman told Reuters.

"The strikes with precision-guided munitions were in response to recent
Iraqi threats against (U.S. and British) coalition aircraft" patrolling the
zone, Whitman said. "All aircraft left Iraqi airspace safely."

F-18s based on the aircraft carrier Enterprise stationed in the Gulf and Air
Force F-16 warplanes based near southern Iraq conducted the raids with both
bombs and missiles which are guided to their targets using satellites and
laser beams, according to other defense officials.

The U.S. military's Central Command in Tampa, Florida, which is responsible
for operations in the Gulf, said damage from the raids was still being

"We have said repeatedly that we reserve the right to respond to threats
against U.S. and British pilots at a time and place of our choosing,"
Whitman told Reuters in Washington. He said Tuesday's strikes were in
response to recent threats and not any specific action by Iraq that day.

Three other attacks, some also involving British planes, have been conducted
against air defense targets in southern Iraq since Aug. 25 in response to
increasing attempts by the Iraqi military to shoot down warplanes which have
been patrolling no-fly zones in northern and southern Iraq for a decade.


Arabic News, 7th September

Iraq on Thursday announced that the American warplanes destroyed a pipe
transporting portable waters to the southern villages in Iraq in an
aggression launched by these planes by the beginning of the current week. An
Iraqi official source said that the portable water pipe was destroyed in
four places and can not be restored because there are still un-exploded
shells and missiles thrown by the US and British planes in the area.

The recent American strike on Iraq resulted in wounding four persons.


by Colum Lynch
Seattle Times (from Washington Post), 5th September

UNITED NATIONS ‹ The United States has approved Iraq's purchase of nearly
$75 million worth of telecommunications equipment from the French company
Alcatel to repair the country's battered public-telephone network, according
to U.S. and U.N. diplomats.


"It's safe to assume that virtually any improvement in communications is
going to help the regime and the security forces of the regime," said
Charles Duelfer, a former U.N. weapons inspector who is now at the Center
for Strategic and International Studies.

"On the other hand," he added, "if you're going to say no for that reason,
then you're also going to inhibit (Iraq's) commercial development. It's the
classic dilemma with these types of "dual use" sanctions."

The U.S. has relaxed its procedures for approving dual-use goods, which have
both civilian and military applications, to help win support in the
15-nation U.N. Security Council for a U.S. effort to overhaul the
10-year-old international sanctions on Iraq.


In June, China agreed to back a key element of the U.S. sanctions policy
after the United States unfroze more than $80 million worth of Chinese
telecommunications contracts.

The deal included a $28 million Iraqi contract to buy mobile-telephone
equipment from Huawei Technologies, a Chinese firm the Pentagon previously
accused of providing fiber optic cable for Iraq to upgrade its antiaircraft

French government and Alcatel officials approached the State Department
after the Chinese contracts were unfrozen and urged Alcatel's contracts also
be approved, according to U.S. and U.N. diplomats.

The Bush administration subsequently released nine Alcatel contracts for
microwave- and digital-radio links and other telecommunications equipment,
according to U.N. diplomats. The administration has continued to block a
$333,000 Alcatel contract for fiber-optic equipment, the diplomats said.


Under a U.N. program, Iraq can sell oil and use the proceeds to buy
humanitarian supplies and repair the country's infrastructure. Despite U.S.
efforts to speed up the procedures for approving contracts, the volume on
hold has reached nearly $3.4 billion. Officials say the amount reflects the
increase in Iraq oil revenue, which topped $17 billion last year.

The International Telecommunications Union, the agency that monitors Iraq's
use of telecommunications on behalf of the United Nations, told the Security
Council in May that Iraq's national telephone system was barely functioning
and would require an investment of more than $1 billion over the next


People's Daily, 9th September

Iraq demanded on Wednesday that the United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation
Mission (UNIKOM) live up to its duties and report to the UN Security Council
about violations of the Iraqi airspace by US and British warplanes.

In a letter to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, carried by the official
Iraqi News Agency, Iraqi Foreign Minister Naji Sabri Ahmed urged Annan to
"instruct" the UNIKOM to perform its mission and " immediately" inform the
UN Security Council of the matter.

"From August 8-17, there were altogether 110 violations of Iraq's airspace
by the US and British jets from their bases in Kuwait and through the
demilitarized zone controlled by the UNIKOM," Ahmed said.

He also urged the UN to take necessary measures to stop such air breaches,
and look into the full responsibilities of the " perpetrators."

Moreover, Iraq's technical equipment has identified the models of the
Anglo-American warplanes crossing into Iraq's airspace as F-14, F-15, F-16,
F-18 and British drones, he added.

Iraq has often slammed the UNIKOM for keeping silent over the US and British
jets' patrolling over a no-fly zone in southern Iraq.

The southern no-fly zone, together with another in the north, were
established by the US-led Western allies after the 1991 Gulf War to
allegedly protect the Kurds in the north and Shiite Muslims in the south
from possible attacks by Iraqi government troops.

UNIKOM Commander John A. Vize said on August 30 that a total of 195 military
monitors can not identify the warplanes that fly over the Iraqi-Kuwaiti

"If I, or any of my soldiers, identified a US or a British or whatever
aircraft by its makings, then we will report this," he said.

Annan said in February that the UNIKOM had recorded more than 200 aerial
violations of the border since 1991, but it could not determine the

The UNIKOM has patrolled the demilitarized zone between Iraq and Kuwait
since the Gulf War, triggered by Iraq's 1990 invasion of Kuwait.

Times of India, 6th September

BAGHDAD ( AFP ): Five UN employees of the oil-for-food programme in Iraq
expelled by Baghdad for violating national security have already left the
country for their own safety, a UN source told AFP Wednesday.

"They have been asked by Mr Benon Sevan (UN undersecretary-general) to leave
the country for their personal security," the UN source, who asked not to be
named, said.

An Iraqi foreign ministry official told AFP the five UN staffers were
expelled for having violated Iraq's national security. "They exposed Iraq's
security and sovereignty to danger," he said.

"We have informed the United Nations that these five employees undertook
activities that harmed Iraqi national security and did not correspond to
their mission as international employees.

"Iraq has proof of their implication in acts contrary to their mission. We
are ready to present this evidence to the United Nations at any time," he
said, adding that Baghdad had granted the five 72 hours to leave the

Deputy humanitarian coordinator of UN affairs John Almstrom earlier told AFP
in Amman by telephone from Baghdad: "Three of the five employees expelled by
Iraq left Baghdad on Tuesday.

"The other two were already outside the country" when the marching orders
came. They left Iraq for Jordan," said Almstrom, a Canadian national.

He identified the five as four Nigerians and a Bosnian.

Other UN officials said the five were already in Jordan, where they spent
the night at an Amman hotel and were expected to leave the country later

The United Nations announced the expulsions in New York on Tuesday.

Gulf News, 7th September

United Nations, (Reuters): Iraq's UN envoy yesterday said Baghdad had
ordered the expulsion of a total of eight UN workers accused of spying in
recent weeks, two more than previously announced. He said at least five of
these were believed to have been snooping for the U.S.

"They are working within the programme for oil for food, but they tried to
spy," said Ambassador Mohammed Aldouri.

Iraq had previously accused five UN workers ­ four Nigerians and one Bosnian
­ from the oil-for-food programme of infringing on its national security and
spying for enemy countries.

Baghdad also ordered the expulsion of a sixth person, a Dutch national, on

Los Angeles Times, 7th September

Baghdad's expulsion of six U.N. employees and British efforts to clamp down
on Iraqi oil prices dominated a heated Security Council meeting in which
Iraq accused the U.N. staffers of being spies.

Afterward, Benan Sevan, the director of the U.N. program that monitors the
use of Iraqi oil profits for the purchase of humanitarian goods, denied the
spying allegations.

Iraqi Ambassador Mohammed Douri said there had been two additional
expulsions, but Sevan's office denied that claim. Iraq expelled a Dutch
national Aug. 31 and then informed Sevan that five other people were being
thrown out over security leaks.

Gulf News, 8th September

United Nations (Reuters): The U.N. Security Council asked Iraq on Friday to
explain why it believed eight U.N. staff members in Baghdad were spies after
a complicated series of expulsions.

French Ambassador Jean-David Levitte, this month's council president, gave
Iraq's U.N. ambassador, Mohammed Aldouri, a message for his government, as
the council requested.

"I had my meeting. I got no evidence," Levitte told reporters.

The main expulsions occurred last Sunday when Iraq ordered five U.N.
officials -- four Nigerians and a Bosnian -- out of the country. All had key
jobs in Baghdad in monitoring the distribution of food, medicine and other
goods Iraq orders under the U.N. oil-for-food humanitarian program.

Iraq has chafed at the program, meant to alleviate the impact of 11-year-old
sanctions, saying it was prolonging the lifting of the embargoes, imposed
when its troops invaded Kuwait in August 1990.

The four Nigerians, three men and a woman, left on Tuesday. The Bosnian
woman had been withdrawn earlier.

Iraq also accused three foreigners, a Dutchman working for a Swiss goods
inspection firm under contract to the United Nations, and two Argentine
peacekeepers, of being spies.  It said the Argentines were expelled on Aug.
22 and the Dutchman on Aug. 31.

"Since they had violated standard operating procedures, they were removed
from the mission area," said U.N. spokesman Manoel de Almeida e Silva.

Council members on Thursday supported Benon Sevan, the U.N. official in
charge of the program. He withdrew the Nigerians, fearing for their safety
and said Iraq had violated international treaties by expelling U.N. staff

But Russian U.N. Ambassador Sergei Lavrov, Iraq's closest ally on the
council, recalled the controversy over the U.N. weapons program in 1998,
when American officials admitted privately they had placed spies among them.

Iraq's Aldouri said: "The United States, maybe, is behind those people. And
we have all the evidence, and we will prove that soon, I hope."

On the other hand, he said Baghdad hoped the incidents were isolated and was
not trying to undermine the oil-for-food program, as several council members


by David Leppard
Sunday Times, 2nd September

DETECTIVES investigating a nationwide series of computer equipment thefts
from some of Britain's biggest companies believe they were orchestrated by
middlemen seeking to supply Iraq and rogue African countries with embargoed
microchip technology.

Motherboards - the electronic units that control mainframe computers - have
been stolen in daring break-ins at more than a dozen City banks, telecom
companies and scientific research centres. The equipment was worth more than
£20m. Police suspect that some of the items were stolen to order after a
Middle Eastern "Mr Big" provided a list of equipment he wanted to pass on to
Iraq and other hostile states.

The thefts are fuelling a burgeoning international black market in the wake
of sanctions imposed by Britain, America and other western states on the
export of fast computers and high-speed communications equipment. The
sanctions on "dual use" technology, which has both civilian and military
use, are a legacy of the cold war when the West blocked the flow of
equipment to the Soviet bloc.

Because countries such as Iraq, Libya and Syria are barred under United
Nations sanctions from importing sophisticated computers, they have turned
to the black market.

Up to 40 robbers, several with links to the notorious Adams crime family in
north London, are said to be involved. The raiders have been stealing units
made by Sun Microsystems, which supplies microchips to run websites and
telecom systems. They use the company's website to find which firms have
bought the equipment.

In some raids, thieves have worn balaclavas and wielded pickaxe handles.
Security staff have been tied up and beaten.

Suggestions of a Baghdad connection emerged last year after some thefts in
Scotland were linked to London gangs and a customer in Iraq.

Noel Miller, a spokesman for Lothian police, said nobody had yet been
arrested for raids on Edinburgh University and the nearby Royal Observatory.
Equipment worth more than £112,000 was taken.

"Sun Microsystems equipment was stolen to order," he said. "Our detectives
believe they were being shipped to another country and there were
indications it was Iraq."

One of the gang's victims is British Telecom. In April its research and
development headquarters at Martlesham, Suffolk, was raided. The building
houses a laboratory where MI5 scientists develop phone tapping technology.

BT says that MI5 was not affected but that five Sparc servers, which help to
run internet and phone systems, were taken. Three men have since been

In March another gang raided a BT Cellnet complex in Salisbury. A security
guard was badly beaten and other staff were terrorised by the raiders, who
ripped out racks of microchips. Several men were later arrested.

Detective Inspector Richard Jack, who led investigations into a £1.7m theft
at Deutsche Bank in London, a second at Chase Manhatten and two others at
City banks last year, said he had now identified a multi-millionaire Arab
businessman as the orchestrator of the crimes.

"The security people at Sun Microsystems said the stolen equipment was
enough to power Iraq's entire defence system," he said.

Universities in Bradford, Manchester, Aberdeen and other cities have been
hit. Last month there were thefts at the Football Association and Express

Times of India, 3rd September

DUBAI ( PTI ): Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has told a visiting Indian
delegation that Baghdad is keen to further strengthen bilateral relations
with New Delhi.

"We are glad with our relation with India and we are ready to promote this
relation," Hussein, who received an 80-member Indian delegation of
parliamentarians, businessmen, writers and film makers led by Deputy
Chairman of Rajya Sabha, Najma Heptullah, on Saturday, said.

Heptullah also delivered a letter from Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee
to Hussein pertaining to bilateral relations and ways of promoting them, the
Iraqi news agency, INA, said.

Heptullah presented a copy of the holy Quran as a gift to the Iraqi
president during their meeting on Sunday and held talks later with as many
as nine ministers, including Prime Minister Tariq Aziz, who underscored the
importance Iraq has given to the visit.

Earlier, the Iraqi information minister Mohammed Saeed As-Sahaf stressed the
need for boosting relations between Iraq and India in all fields, especially
in information technology.

Sahaf praised the positive outcomes of Iraqi-Indian committee meetings which
could contribute to strengthening ties between the two countries.

Arabic News, 5th September

The Iraqi foreign minister Naji Sabri stressed on Tuesday Iraq's desire to
strengthen its relations with Finland, stressing the importance of
re-opening the Finnish embassy in Baghdad.

The Iraqi news agency said that this was the subject of discussions between
minister Sabri with a Finnish Parliamentary delegation, chaired by the
deputy speaker of Parliament in Finland as well as exchanging information
and visits between officials in the two countries.

Sabri stressed Iraq's desire to expand and develop its relations with
Finland in all area for the interests of the two countries. He stressed the
importance of reopening the Finnish embassy in Baghdad. The Agency explained
that the Iraqi officials explained to the visiting Finnish delegation the
consequences of the imposed sanctions on Iraq and the increasing problems in
the health sectors in Iraq and the increase in the mortality rate.


Daily Star (Bangla Desh), 6th September

Tehran (AFP): Iran's national football team left Tehran early Wednesday by
air for Baghdad, to play regional rivals Iraq in Friday's crucial Asia World
Cup 2002 Group A qualifier, the national football federation told AFP.

It was only the second direct flight between Tehran and Baghdad since an
international air embargo was imposed on Iraq following its invasion of
Kuwait in August 1990.

Iraq are currently in fourth position on three points, behind Bahrain, Iran
and Saudi Arabia, all on four points, and ahead of Thailand, who have just
one point.

The match will take place amid some tension between the two neighbours,
which fought a bloody war between 1980 and 1988.

The two countries have met twice in major competitions since the end of the
war which left more than one million dead, sharing one victory apiece.

On Tuesday a bomb exploded in a central Baghdad market on Tuesday, wounding
several people in a mid-day attack that Iraq blamed on "agents of the
Iranian regime."

Iran's manager, Croat Miroslav Blazevic, warned that he would crack down on
players who failed to control themselves in the needle match.

"If I see anything unsportsmanslike I will nip it in the bud," he told AFP
before the team left. "It is our duty -- sport can only be a bridge between

Blazevic, who took over the Iranian team less than a year ago, said they
would be at full strength and he was confident of success, although he
admitted they had been lucky to draw with Thailand last Saturday.

He praised the performance of the Iraqis under compatriot Rudolf Belean,
calling them strong in attack and midfield though possibly vulnerable in

Newly-appointed Belean has made nine changes to the Iraqi team ahead of
Friday's match, dropping veterans Habib Jaafar and Laith Hussein and calling
in six young guns including Ali Hussein, Abbas Rahim, Kadhem Hussein and
Ahmed Khoudhair.

Belean was called in to revive Iraq's flagging campaign in place of Adnan
Hamd, who was sacked on the eve of the team's 1-0 defeat to Saudi Arabia on

But Blazevic said Iraq, who beat Thailand in their opening Group A encounter
but lost 2-0 to Bahrain, should have beaten Saudi Arabia.

Meanwhile Peter Withe's Thailand - still on a high after scaring the life
out of mighty Iran last weekend - go to Bahrain with renewed hope for their
match on Thursday.

The Thais, playing in the second phase of qualifying for the first time,
showed they have absorbed the lessons of a 4-0 thrashing by Iraq in their
first match with Saturday's deserved result against Iran.

"We got it wrong against Iraq - but you saw the true Thailand against Iran,"
said former Aston Villa and England international Withe, who has achieved
hero status during three years in Thailand.

"Bahrain are top of the group but we won't be scared of them," he added.


Toronto Star, 7th September

BAGHDAD (AP) - Iran rallied to beat Iraq 2-1 on Friday and take over the
Group A lead in the final round of Asian qualifying for next year's World

Emad Mohammed put Iraq ahead in the 20th minute at Al-Shaab Stadium, but Ali
Karimi scored in the 30th and Ali Daei in the 84th.

Iran (2-0-1) has seven points, two more than Bahrain (1-0-2), three more
that Saudi Arabia (1-1-1) and four more than Iraq (1-3). The winner of the
group, in which each nation plays eight games, advances to next year's
tournament in Japan and South Korea. The No. 2 team goes to playoffs for
another berth.

In Group B, first-place China gained a 1-1 tie at Qatar when Li Weifeng
scored in the final minute. Dahi Saad Al Naemi had scored in the 42nd minute
at Doha. Qatar's Mohammed Salem al-Enazi twice hit the crossbar in the first

China (2-0-1), led by former U.S. coach Bora Milutinovic, has seven points,
two ahead of second-place Qatar (1-1-2).

Arabic News, 6th September

The deputy speaker of the Iraqi national council ( parliament) Hamid al-Rawi
[.....] said that his country's delegation to the International
Parliamentary conference which will be held on September 9- 15 will submit
an Iraqi initiative to install an international judiciary system that
considers complaints filed by countries towards which the UN Security
Council takes oppressive resolutions.

Arabic News, 7th September

The Iraqi deputy premier and minister of finance Hikmat al-Azzawi has
announced that Iraq is working to gradually limit reliance on the dollar in
its trade dealings, stressing that all Iraq's trade relations will be in the
EURO ( the united European currency) as from the beginning of 2002.

The Iraqi paper al-Iqtisadi ( the economist) quoted al-Azzawi as saying that
Baghdad had also asked that in its frozen bank account in New York its
assets of the revenues of "oil for food" program will be in EURO, applied
since December and permits Iraq to sell certain amounts of its crude oil to
buy basic necessary needs under the supervision of the UN.

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