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Simpering Coward?

Dear Eric,
Seems I've missed the boat, had intended to reply to your friend, the former 
USAF contact.
However, would that have served any useful purpose? Maybe not, would it be 
worth discussing metaphysics with a brick wall? Yet, despite his, sometimes, 
foul language, he does make some valid points. However, to hide behind 
anonymity is a symptom of the very cowardliness he so despises. No doubt, he 
will continue to view the world through stars-and-stripes tinted glasses. 
Yet, he has failed to understand what true
American values are all about - humanity. Sadly, people such as your friend 
can only seerve to perpetuate the kind of nationalism, which is
nothing but war-mongering.
I'm sorry to say, but I disagree with you about including anyone on CASI
who hasn't the guts to give his name.  Greetings, Bert Gedin, B,ham UK

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