The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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Iraq Conference

Dear Friends,
             The Coalition Against Sanctions and War
on Iraq is a secular organisation that was set up in
1997 to actively campaign against and expose the
Sanctions policy on Iraq which is killing
approximately 5,000 children per month.  We also
campaign against the almost daily bombing of Iraq and
the destruction that this causes.

Since 1997, in Manchester we have organised many
activities and events such as lobbying members of
parliament, candle light vigils, leaflets and
petitioning, conferences, regular public meetings and

At Coalition events, we always show just what the
effects of Sanctions and War are having upon the
civilian population of Iraq, this includes the youth,
women, disabled and other sections of Iraqi society. 
We have been able to achieve this, through speakers at
our events from members of the Iraqi Community,
humanitarian relief workers  and campaign activists
from a wide range of organisations.

At present we are currently working to develop our
links with schools and communities inside of Iraq and
the Middle East as a whole, because, the human
suffering inside of Iraq will naturally have its
affects upon the people in neighbouring countries.

In this growing climate towards war, where Iraq is
still being bombed on an almost daily basis, the
Coalition would like to inform people that on Saturday
November 10th, we will be holding a day conference
over in Liverpool, UK,  so that we can all come
together and listen to speakers such as Felicity
Arbouthnot, a freelance journalist and a regular
visitor to Iraq, aswell as other speakers from the
Morning Star (a daily news paper) and the Coalition.  

>From this, we hope that we are able to draw more
people around the issue of Iraq, whilst being inside
or out side, a broader movement aswell as it being
refreshing and positive for every one.

The conference is going to be held at the Liverpool
Dockers "CASA" Club (29 Hope Street, Liverpool, near
Lime Street Train Station) and will begin at 11am till
5pm.  A light lunch will be provided and the entrance
to those affected by Asylum/Immigration laws will be
free.  The charge for the door will be £3.50
(employed) £2. (unemployed) 

The conference is open to every body to attend and
stalls are available upon request for a donation of
£5.00 to help cover costs.

For more information please contact the Coalition
either or write to us at The
Coalition Against Sanctions and War on Iraq, c/o
Bridge 5 Mill, 22a Beswick Street, Ancoats,
GTR Manchester, UK.  Or phone 0161 286 7950.

Yours in friendship,

Mr. Hussein Al-alak.


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