The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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no... wait... stay.

The world is highly screwed up right now: there are no quick fixes. But
remember where the anti-Vietnam war movement was when it started out.
Remember the situation immediately before Stonewall, or on Nov 19th 1999, as
workers all over the world worried about what the next WTO round would
bring. Remember poll tax bills?

Compare the UK media's coverage of sanctions on Iraq four years ago with
that today. We've had an impact. 

But we certainly always need to keep thinking about how to get things done:
there's no point having a demo or a petition just because demos or petitions
are what people do. 90% of the words and demos are indeed futile: it's
working out which are the 10% that will count that's difficult.

It doesn't always work, but sometimes it does. 

Chris Williams

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