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Hello all,
This might be an interesting conference.
Dirk Adriaensens.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Res publica" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 1:34 PM

> From: Res publica, association for information, Prague, Czech Republic,
> Keywords: Depleted Uranium, Facts, Prague, Czech Republic,
> Further information about conference "Facts on Depleted Uranium", Prague,
Czech Republic, November 24-25.2001.
> We are informing you that the conference on depleted uranium shall take
place in Prague, Czech Republic on November 24-25.2001. Please, pay
attention to the enclosed letter and participation form. Please, fill kindly
the participation form and send it as soon as you can to the organizing
institution. First participants summary will be on October 31.2001.
Dissemination of information about this conference is appreciated. in ten
days time further information will follow. Please, forward this message to
your friends.
> ***************
> Res publica, association for information, Prague, Czech Republic,
> Facts on Depleted Uranium
> The civic association, Res publica, association for information, the
preparing for the date 24 and 25 November 2001 in Prague, the Czech
Republic, a conference dedicated to the problems of depleted uranium "Facts
on Depleted Uranium".
> We consider it necessary to comment on the reason leading us the
organization of this conference. In reply a letter pointing out the gravity
of using Depleted Uranium in war operations in Persian Gulf and in Balkans,
sent to the President of the Czech Republic Vaclav Havel by the
vice-chairman of our association Res publica Jiri Horak, it was stated that
the problem of using arms with depleted uranium is becoming ever more
relevant and that V. Havel has been perceiving susceptibly all possible
perils making possible with the deployment of arms of this type to endanger
the health of all peoples. In organizing this conference we wish to
contribute to the realization of the idea, supported also according to the
mentioned reply by Vaclav Havel, that the whole problematic would be
subjected to a proper expert opinion and on this basis relevant conclusions
would be deduced as well as urgent steps resulting in the security of the
protection of human lives.
> It is just this reason that we are laying the central point of this
conference on an expert level. We are interested in hearing at this
conference technical, military, political, juristic, health, ecological and
other expert's views on this problem. We have requested Prof. Jiri Matousek
from the Institute of Environmental Chemistry and Technology Faculty of
Chemistry, Brno University of Technology from Czech Republic, to be an
expert moderator at this Conference "Facts on Depleted Uranium". From quite
natural reasons we consider it correct to invite also members of various
humanitarian, health, ecological and peace organizations. For your
information we mention that in view of the nature of the conference we
calculate with the participation of the approximately fifty persons.
Contributions from this conference will be published in a conference volume.
> Results of the conference "Facts on depleted uranium", information and
comments presented at the conference will be forwarded also to the president
of the Czech Republic Vaclav Havel.
> On this occasion we wish to inform you that by thist conference we take up
from our preceding actions, which had been for instance our international
meeting dedicated to security problems of central Europe, the question of
the nature of OSCE and the importantce of Charter on European Security and
particularly the problems of Yugoslav crisis in 1999
> In case you are interested in aspects related to depleted uranium, it
would be a great pleasure to welcome you at the conference "Facts on
Depleted Uranium" in Prague.
> We would appreciate very much too, to recommend us for invitation those of
 your friends who could address the conference on aspects connected with
depleted uranium!
> We are convicted that also with your help we may be able to contribute to
a good case. We are also attaching a simple registration form to the
conference and we would appreciate your decision as to whether you would
wish to participate and particularly to present a contribution. Certainly
you will understand that your concrete response will be important for our
steps in the conference preparation.
> We are sending our greetings and look forward to your response.
> ***************
> Participants fee:
> None for participants who send filled participation forms not later than
October 31.2001.
> USD 10 for those who send their participation form until November 10.2001.
> USD 20 for those whose participation forms will be received later.
> ***************
> Reply slip
> Res publica, association for information
> I would like to participate in the Conference Facts on Depleted Uranium,
Prague, Czech Republic, November 24.-25. 2001
> I would like to submit a paper
> Name.............
> Organisation....................
> Address..........................
> Phone.............
> Fax............
> E-mail..............
> Web site..............
> Please complete this slip and return it to the Res publica, association
for information, Prague, Czech Republic:

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