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Re: a gesture

Dear Mark,

I think that Iraq should not do such a thing. Why should they attempt a few
gestures to a regime (the USA) that is currently destroying a country for
the sake of oil and gas? I'm sorry Mark, but I think I totally disagree with
you. It's the same as giving information & addresses of jews to the SS
during 1940-45. The USA have no reason whatsoever to bomb & invade
Afghanistan. Helping the USA now would mean the same as helping Franco in
his fascist war against the republicans in the 30's. And I could go on with
a number of examples. Please read a few essays of Noam Chomsky and others on
Znet, or Michael Parenti on or Robert Fisk in the
Independant. Then we'll talk again.
More than 1.500.000 humans have died in Iraq since 1990, because of the
genocidal politics of the Usa. And it's worth it, says Madeleine Albright.
And now the USA are destroying another country in the name of Human rights.
It's good news for the military industries and the oil companies.
But let me tell you that more airplanes will crash if the USA keep on
terrorising and strangling the third world, economically and militarily.
So please Iraq, do not offer the FBI access to your intelligence-files. Make
no deals with the USA-government. And keep on resisting the New world order.
Like you've done the last eleven years.
Dirk Adriaensens.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Parkinson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2001 10:42 PM
Subject: a gesture

> Perhaps this is rather naive but it would be nice if Iraq could attempt
> a few gestures in the current climate
> eg offer the FBI access to their intelligence agent who met Atta
> (one of the leaders of the hijackers)
> Mark Parkinson
> Bodmin
> Cornwall
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> This is a discussion list run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq
> For removal from list, email
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This is a discussion list run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq
For removal from list, email
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