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anti-war/sanctions symposium in Dublin

Campaign to end Iraq sanctions
125 winter garden, Pearse Street, Dublin 2

Iraq  11 years of war and sanctions
What lessons must be learnt in light of the war on Afghanistan, the Gulf 
War and what implications do these lessons hold for the UN, NATO and 
individual citizens?

Symposium to be held on Saturday the 3rd November 2001, 9:30 am

Venue: Trinity College, Dublin

Speakers Include:

Richard Becker Western Region Co-Director of the International Action 
Centre, San Francisco, Felicity Arbuthnot, Journalist and main researcher 
on John Pilgers’ documentary “Paying the Price, Killing the Children of 
Iraq”, Tom Nagy, Professor of Expert Systems, George 
Washington  University, Washington DC. Tom Hyland, East Timor Solidarity 
Network, Dublin

Register Early. Limited seats!  Go to for a 
form and more details.
Or call 01-6727803

Symposium Schedule:
9:30  10.00AM           Registration.
10:15                   Symposium begin
10:30  11:00    Economic Sanctions as a weapon of mass destruction. By 
Richard Becker.

11:00  11.30    Targeting civilians: Destruction of Iraq’s water supply 
facilities during the Gulf war. By  Tom Nagy

11:30  12 noon  Targeting civilians: Poisoned by Depleted Uranium. By 
Felicity Arbuthnot.

12:00  12:30 PM Discussion and Questions.

12:30  1:00     Lunch

1:00  2:00      Workshop I  Economic Sanctions: Weapons of mass 
destructions -- Richard Becker
Workshop II - Activism in Ireland: How to organise a successful anti-war 
-- Tom Hyland
         Workshop III  Targeting Civilians: Destruction of Iraq’s water 
supply facilities during the Gulf war.  -- Tom Nagy
         Workshop IV  -- Targeting civilians: Poisoned by Depleted Uranium. 
By Felicity Arbuthnot.
2.00  3:00      Panel discussion, workshop feed back and conclusion.
3:00 PM Join the anti-war rally at Parnell Square.

Symposium Registration Form






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Registration Fee Paid
£10 Individual  £3 Student/OAP/ Unwaged
(No one turned away for lack of funds)

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Richard Becker is the Western Region Co-Director of the International 
Action Centre (IAC)  in san Francisco which was founded in the aftermath of 
the Gulf war in 1991. .Becker has been actively involved in the anti-war 
and anti-sanctions movements in the United States for over 25 years.  He is 
the lead organiser of the A.N.S.W.E.R coalition in the United States which 
was formed to oppose the bombing of Afghanistan. In Jan. 2000 he was 
co-producer of the video "Blockade: The Silent War Against Iraq," 
documenting the catastrophic effects of the UN sanctions on Iraq. Becker 
co-authored “The Children Are Dying”, a book published by the IAC (1996) 
documenting the effects of sanctions on the Iraqi people, and was also a 
contributing author of the book, Challenge To Genocide: Let Iraq Live 
(1999) documenting the movement against U.S. war and sanctions in Iraq. 
Becker was co-producer of the award-winning video Genocide by Sanctions (1998).

Tom Nagy, Professor of Expert Systems at George Washington  University in 
Washington DC.  Nagy is an anti-sanctions activist in the United 
States.  Over the last two years, Nagy discovered documents of the US 
Defense Intelligence Agency proving beyond a doubt that, contrary to the 
Geneva Convention, the U.S. government intentionally used sanctions against 
Iraq to degrade the country's water supply after the Gulf War

Felicity Arbuthnot is a journalist who has worked tirelessly for the past 
11 years to highlight the plight of the Iraqi people with respect to the 
indiscriminate use of Depleted Uranium during the Gulf war and the 
devastating effects this type of warfare is having on the Iraqi population. 
Arbuthnot has visited Iraq more than 30 times.

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