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RE: Whose War?

In response to Salwa de Vree's post re:Israel and sanctions
against Iraq (thank you Salwa), here is another previously posted answer to
my request for information on this subject. I think Israel's
role in the US sanctions policy has been under-emphasised
by goverments and NGOs alike, so I am hoping it will become
more part of the debate/lobbying etc, Philippa

>===== Original Message From Glen Rangwala <> =====
>Dear Philippa
>In response to your query:
>> I've been looking for the official Israeli policy on
>> sanctions, does anyone have it? Philippa Winkler
>It is true that Israel's leaders don't seem to comment much on Iraq. My
>guess is that the US has made it clear that statements from Israel would be
>counterproductive in maintaining any residual Gulf sympathy for sanctions;
>in this regard, things have not changed much since 1991. You could always
>look at unofficial sources, as the article you circulated demonstrates; a
>further unofficial source would be the American Israel Public Affairs
>especially the AIPAC sponsored letter of May 2000 to Clinton
>; text is
>I hardly need to add that the text of the letter is full of simple
>factual inaccuracies.
>However, there have been occasional statements by Israeli leaders. Here's
>three. The first is as near as I've seen to a statement of Israeli policy.
>Apart from that, they're not particularly instructive.
>Prime Minister Rabin, 14 August 1994: "We support the policy of President
>Clinton and the policy of sanctions against Iraq in order to change its
>behavior... we line up with the United States and the other developed
>nations to bring Iraq to change its policies."
>Speech by Mr. Jeremy Issacharoff, Representative of Israel to the first
>Committee, head of Regional Security and Arms Control, Ministry of Foreign
>Affairs Jerusalem (13 October 2000): "Israel is profoundly concerned about
>the present situation with regard to Iraq and the lack of any monitoring
>and inspection mechanism in that country for the last two years. Saddam
>Hussein has not changed and he continues to constitute a real threat to
>his neighbours and the region. The United Nations bears a critical
>responsibility to the countries of the Middle East to ensure that Iraq is
>disarmed of all its WMD and missile capabilities in accordance with the
>relevant Security Council resolutions."
>Speech by Prime Murderer Ariel Sharon, 19 March 2001, to AIPAC: "Iraq has
>not been under UN monitoring for more than two years and sanctions have
>been increasingly ignored. There can be no doubt that Saddam Hussein is
>seeking to restore his mass destruction weapons capability and his quest
>for long-range missiles."
>Sorry about not being able to provide more details; if you find further,
>please let me know.
>Glen Rangwala.
>This is a discussion list run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq
>For removal from list, email
>CASI's website - - includes an archive of all postings.

This is a discussion list run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq
For removal from list, email
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