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Re: Halabja & political agendas.

Just one point Gaz relating to the victims of SH.  I worked as the Health Coordinator for the Refugee Health Programme in Yemen until a few months ago, and we had a number of Iraqis who claimed asylum and had evidence of torture by the regime in Iraq.   One was a mother with a child.  Apparently someone came to her home, her husband was not there, so they took her child, then aged 2 years.  They apparently injected it with something, we didn't know what but we saw large unusual needle scars on the wrists and forearm.  The child which the mother claimed was previously normal was returned to her unconscious, and when he regained consciousness, he was severaly mentally retarded.   This was in retalitation for the child's father upsetting the regime.   I am sure this is not an isolated case.  This of course does not justify the sanctions by US/UK in any way.   

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