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AI - Human Rights or Human Wrongs?

Dear Ghazwan,
Pity, but your recent posting carried some incurable virus. Instead of 
ruminating over it, I simply deleted the whole message, plus attachments. 
Could you kindly re-send that message, uncontaminated?
Agreed, AI deserves a separate letter. Ced Simpson, in NZ, has already done 
a sterling job. May I add my tuppenny's worth?
1) If you've never read any AI reports, then aren't you unqualified to
make any educated pronouncements (that may not be your fault)?
2) To aspire to be objective and impartial, in seeking justice, yet being 
aware of human biases and limitations.
3) Your national & international contacts may have created opportunities to 
discuss these matters seriously. Admittedly, AI, as any
other organisation, is prone to errors. I doubt that "cases were 
deliberately distorted to suit the objective." To me, that looks like 
mud-slinging. Still, any mistakes, at all, in international affairs,
could have unpleasant consequences. The intentions of AI, so I believe,
are genuine.
4) "The news media may have contributed to the bad image of AI". AI is
run by fallible human beings, but, generally, it deserves a good image.
Anyone, or any group, which opposes AI's work, may need to examine their own 
motivations - and be honest about what they find.
Can I respond to the second part of your letter later on? - Good wishes &

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