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Re: [casi] Arabmediawatch

Friends, might I ask names organisations if any, who fund, back
Arabmediawatch - whilst welcoming the widest dialogue in this political and
humanitarian minefield, just that needs the comfort of replies. Kindest,
felicity a.

>Subject: [casi] Arabmediawatch
>Date: Fri, Mar 1, 2002, 7:43 pm

> I don't know whether any of you know about the above organisation, which has
> been going for a few months, and is gradually increasing its membership and
> functions. On a daily basis, we send each other information about
> newspaper/radio/TV programmes which are either good or bad for comment.  We
> then respond to the appropriate media source if we wish to do so.  We are
> starting to get successful in getting letters printed, seven last week. BBC
> reviews their programme content if they have ten or more complaints,
> apparently.  We also are joining with appropriate groups to lobby newspapers
> and other media organisations about content, and also trying to get funds for
> research into things like audience awareness.   We have also formed alliances
> with other groups which support Arab causes which is particularly useful when
> lobbying.
> We do have quite a few experts on Palestinian issues, but we need specialists
> on all topics so that we can be very accurate in our responses, particularly
> when there is a factual error recorded.  The expertise from this discussion
> group on Iraqi issues would be very useful.
> If you want to see the website, it is on
> We could forward articles which are particularly relevant to casi, or
> alternatively, use the group as a resource when we need to clarify anything
> from the media which we think needs correction.
> Please let me know if there are any other ways in which casi or
> arabmediawatch could start working together.
> Judith Brown.
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