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RE: [casi] "Saddam Did Not Gas the Kurds" ?

> Therefore, could anybody contribute any comments, background
> info, analysis etc. ?

Dear Andreas and other list members,

Glen Rangwala posted an excellent e-mail to this list at the end of January
on Iraqi use of gas against civilians in Halabja and other Kurdish
communities.  I've just done a quick search of the discussion list archives
(click on "discussion list archive" under "search" on the CASI website, and found it at:

This addresses most of the issues raised by this question, and all (I think)
of those raised by Wanniski's piece.

I spoke to an Iraqi at the end of January who had been involved with teams
collecting soil and blood samples in the region.  He explained that even
Tariq Aziz admitted gas use post-1991.  I don't have a better reference for
that claim, though.

Colin Rowat

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