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RE: [casi] Iraq stops oil exports for 30 days

Greetings all,
Thanks for this, Dirk. I did think that the US only would
be targetted, but it sounds like all countries are being
embargoed? Oil prices at the pump in the US state I live in
jumped four days ago from $1.30 p.gallon to $1.50 approx. There's
been no reporting of this in the media. How are pump prices
in the UK, elsewhere?
Philippa Winkler

===== Original Message From Dirk Adriaensens <>
>[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]
>Hello all,
>latest news on Iraq. I thought I'd let you know.
> BAGHDAD, April 8 (AFP) - Iraq stopped oil exports for 30 days
>from Monday in protest at Israel's offensive against the
>Palestinians, President Saddam Hussein announced in a speech to the
>   Iraq's leadership decided to "completely halt oil exports as of
>this afternoon, April 8, 2002, through the pipelines carrying
>(crude) to the Turkish port on the Mediterranean and through our
>ports in southern Iraq," Saddam said in his televised address.
>   The stoppage will last "30 days, after which we will review (the
>decision), or until the armies of the Zionist entity have
>unconditionally withdrawn from the Palestinian territories they have
>occupied and (until they) respect the will of the Palestinian people
>and the Arab nation," he said.
>   Saddam urged other Arab and Muslim oil producers to follow suit
>and suspend crude exports.
>   "Our Arab and Muslim brethren and all believers will hopefully
>encourage our move ... by taking similar measures in the case of
>those who have oil," he said.
>   Arabs and Muslims without oil wealth should take "effective
>measures" in accordance with their own means, the president added.
>   The oil ministry said in a statement that oil exports stopped at
>1000 GMT from Mina al-Bakr terminal on the Gulf and the Turkish
>Mediterranean port of Ceyhan, the two ports through which Iraq's oil
>   The price of oil promptly jumped above 27 dollars a barrel in
>London before settling back.
>   Benchmark Brent North Sea crude for May delivery surged to 27.35
>dollars from 25.99 on Friday evening, then eased to 26.91.
>   Oil prices had risen even before the Iraqi announcement, after
>Israel pressed ahead with its siege of the West Bank, ignoring calls
>from US President George W. Bush for a pullout from Palestinian
>territories it reoccupied in the past 10 days.
>   But an OPEC source in Vienna told AFP the oil cartel had no
>plans to organize a collective ban on crude exports following the
>Iraqi move.
>   The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries "is for order
>and harmony in the oil market and should not be dragged into a
>political crisis in the (Middle East) region," the source said.
>   In Doha, OPEC general secretary Ali Rodriguez told AFP on the
>sidelines of an oil conference that he was consulting member
>countries about Iraq's gesture.
>   Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called on Islamic
>oil-producing countries Friday to suspend their exports to Western
>countries and those that have relations with Israel "for a symbolic
>period of one month."
>   Libya voiced suport for the call.
>   Saddam said the decision to halt exports was taken at a joint
>meeting of Iraq's ruling Revolution Command Council, Baath Party
>leadership and cabinet.
>   "This decision is essentially aimed against the Zionist entity
>and the aggressive US policy, not against anyone else. It is not
>meant to harm anyone except those who have decided to harm the Arab
>nation, including the heroic Palestinian people," he said.
>   Saddam accused the United States of being Israel's accomplice in
>the blitz on West Bank towns.
>   "The Zionist aggression in which our brothers and sisters are
>being killed in front of TV cameras is being perpetrated by common
>arrangement between the Zionist entity and the US administration,"
>the Iraqi leader charged.
>   "Its objective is not only to occupy Palestinian and Arab lands
>as happened in 1948 and 1967, but also to break the Palestinians'
>and Arabs' will and force them to surrender to the Zionist-American
>alliance," he said.
>   The office administering Iraq's oil-for-food program with the UN
>said on April 2 that the volume of oil exported by Baghdad under UN
>supervision surged from 6.7 million barrels to 16.5 million barrels
>the previous week.
>   Iraq has periodically halted exports under the UN oil-for-food
>scheme in recent years, the last time on June 4, 2001, for a month
>in protest at efforts to introduce "smart sanctions" against
>   OPEC member Iraq has proven reserves of 112 billion barrels and
>a current production capacity of 2.2 million barrels per day (bpd).
>BAGHDAD, April 8 (AFP) - Iraq stopped exporting oil at 1000 GMT
>on Monday, the oil ministry said in a statement.
>   Exports were halted at the Mina al-Bakr terminal on the Gulf and
>the Turkish Mediterranen port of Ceyhan, the two ports through which
>Iraq's oil flows.
>   President Saddam Hussein announced exports would stop for 30
>days as a protest against the Israeli military assault on the
>   Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called on Islamic
>oil-producing countries Friday to suspend their exports to Western
>countries and those that have relations with Israel "for a symbolic
>period of one month.
>BAGHDAD, April 8 (AFP) - Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is
>vowing to fight to the last, but US military action against Baghdad
>looks increasingly uncertain as Middle East violence spirals out of
>   "If half your anti-air defences were to be destroyed, you would
>defend with the other half and if the remaining half also came to be
>destroyed, you would fight with your daggers like your brothers in
>Palestine are doing," Saddam told senior military officials late
>   "You are strong and your enemy is weak because you are right and
>he is wrong," the Iraqi strongman charged.
>   In another sign of his pugnaciousness, Saddam announced Monday
>that Iraq had stopped oil exports in protest at Israel's offensive
>against the Palestinians, sending world crude prices jumping in an
>indication of what might happen if Washington attacked.
>   US President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony
>Blair warned Saturday they were considering "all options" against
>Iraq, which has refused to allow in UN arms inspectors since a
>December 1998 US-British bombing blitz.
>   Blair delivered his bluntest warning yet to Iraq a day later,
>speaking of possible military action to topple the "brutal,
>repressive" regime of Saddam Hussein.
>   The two leaders received short shrift in the Iraqi media on
>Monday, with Al-Jumhuriya daily branding them "criminals".
>   "Bush, the villain, and Blair, the stupid, have attacked Iraq
>with their idiotic statements to cover up their crimes in
>Afghanistan and ... their isolation in Europe on Iraq, Palestine,
>and Afghanistan," it said.
>   Babel newspaper declared that the Israeli offensive against the
>Palestinians "is part of a plot ... which starts in Palestine and
>ends in Iraq."
>   The daily run by Saddam's son Uday warned that "what the
>Palestinians are going through can be repeated in any other Arab
>   "We are keeping some surprises for enemies despite all the
>precautions they may take," Babel said, underlining Baghdad's
>determination to defend itself against any US-led attack.
>   But the London-based The Times, citing sources close to Bush and
>Blair, reported Monday that while the two leaders have agreed on a
>military campaign against Iraq, no action is likely for at least a
>   They sketched out a "three-phase plan" to overthrow Saddam:
>"First recreating a coalition for action by convincing Iraq's
>neighbours that Saddam can be ousted; then taking military action
>against him and finally ensuring that a successor regime is capable
>of running the country."
>   Blair said Sunday there would be no precipitate action against
>Iraq, but added: "We must be prepared to act where terrorism or
>weapons of mass destruction threaten us."
>   But the two men have seen their plans to topple Saddam thwarted
>by the bloodshed from Israel's latest military offensive in
>Palestinian territory, which has been strongly condemned in the Arab
>world, notably by all of London and Washington's most faithful
>regional allies.
>   Russian President Vladimir Putin warned Sunday that military
>strikes against Iraq would be a mistake and counter-productive.
>   "Talk of using force today, when other means exist, is for the
>least politically incorrect, and would be a mistake," Putin said.
>   Fellow "axis of evil" nominee Iran also reiterated its
>opposition to any US strike on neighbouring Iraq on Monday, saying
>that the region "cannot bear a new war".
>   "Resorting to force to change a government is against
>international law, principles of democracy and morality. It is up to
>the people to carry out such a change," foreign ministry spokesman
>Hamid-Reza Asefi said.
>Sent via the discussion list of the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.
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