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Re: [casi] media!!!

Greetings Yasser,

I do not need to repeat my earlier comments. You imply, the old CIA stuff
that I am in the pay of Saddam. Some of us do work from passion and
conscience. It still lives in a West where today the media is screaming
about the right wing in France - and ignoring the fact that Blair and Bush
ar 'shoulder to shoulder' and might nuke Iraq - and presumably some of your

I have always said that it is impossible to walk in the others shoes in the
Middle East. However, I find it disturbing in the extreme, that there are
those who are here from Iraq, with full fridges and safe homes, condemn
their own families to, who knows what.

Casi has been a beacon in discussion from so many diverse areas. I regret
that the personal has become involved.

Who is paying the piper in this disturbing recent input? I hope, as with so
many, it is just passion.

best, felicity a.

>From: "Yasser Alaskary" <>
>Subject: Re: [casi] media!!!
>Date: Mon, Apr 22, 2002, 4:00 pm

> Hi,
> I think you've missed several important points.
> You say:
>>Before we in the west make further plans for Iraq - apparently excluding
>>Iraqis in Iraq from any say on their destiny'
> Excluding Iraqis in Iraq? Iraqis in Iraq don't have a say, the only voice
> that comes out of Iraq is that of the brutal regime, and I cannot understand
> for the life of me why such an oppressive voice should be listened. All
> other voices are executed and murdered in Iraq - what voice are you exactly
> refering to?
> Secondly, it was Nermin Al-Mufti - the famous journalist and member of the
> murderous regime of Saddam Hussein - who was complaining of how bad the
> media is in the West, so your advise 'we should put our own house in order'
> should be directed at her. I and Ahmed only pointed out the hypocrisy of
> what she was saying.
> Finally, I have an honest question for you. Why is it that you are always
> quick to rebutt or diffuse any criticism of Saddam Hussein's regime and its
> members? Glancing through the archives, it's just a pattern I have noticed,
> but I may be wrong.
> Regards,
> Yasser
> ----Original Message Follows----
> From: "farbuthnot" <>
> To:
> Subject: [casi] media!!!
> Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 09:50:14 +0100
> How many people have been executed in Afghanistan, with the media largely
> unallowed any access to the truth? How many in Palestine? How many have been
> disappeared to Guantamano Bay whose names, ages - any form of identity we
> are not allowed to know, what of the reported possibly 10,000 people of
> allegedly Muslim background who have been jailed in the States with their
> families unable to even find where they are?
> Before we in the west make further plans for Iraq - apparently excluding
> Iraqis in Iraq from any say on their destiny - we should put our own house
> in order.
> When it comes to repression one needs look no further than Fort Benning,
> Georgia (School of the Americas) which has trained the most repressive
> regimes on earth in the arts of torture and terror.
> (A glance at their torture manual is instructive.)
> best, felicity a.
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