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[casi] Re media discussions and personal attacks

Dear Abi Cox and CASI members

On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, I received the following message:

< Dear Ghazwan and Yasser,

This message is to remind you both that the CASI discussion list should

not be used to level personal accusations or insults against other list


Many thanks,

Abi Cox

Acting CASI discussion list manager  >

I totally agree with your views and I respected your directions.

Regrettably certain list member elected again to disregard this and
continued to insult members and level unfunded allegations against list
members who do NOT share his political views or aspirations. Last week
posting showed that this member wanted to monopolize the “truth”. He is
intimidating those who do not agree with him by attacking them personally,
Filicity, Nermin, Roger..

For a week I was hopping that as a list manager you should have intervened
to put an end to this intimidation.

Personally I will not participate in any personal attacks on other list

I find it odd that this member is so scared that one or two people (from
Iraq)  posting to CASI might influence the well educated members of CASI
despite the overwhelming anti Iraq media campaign in the UK. This insecurity
is not a valid reason to attack other list members.

Since my posting of Tue, 9 Apr 2002 10:05:52 +0400 is on the CASI archive I
will use it time and again as a standard reply to any personal attack
directed against me in the future.

Best regards

Ghazwan Al-Mukhtar

Baghdad Iraq

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