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[casi] US squashed UN Jenin inquiry

Casting aside all pretense of a UN diplomatic cover (Kofi Annan), the US
today admitted that IT arranged the canceling of the UN Jenin investigation.
The behind the scenes US scheme bartered Arafat's "freedom" for squashing the
United Nations Security Council authorized Jenin investigation.

- Bob Allen
Campaign to End the Sanctions

>From today's NYTimes.


Selected quotes:

Administration officials made it clear that he (President Bush) considered
Israel's acceptance of an American-brokered deal to release Yasir Arafat from
confinement in his Ramallah compound a more important development toward
restarting peace talks than action on Jenin. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of
Israel announced acceptance of that deal on Sunday, even as he rejected the
United Nations mission.

Both Israeli and American officials denied any quid pro quo linking the
decisions on Ramallah and the Jenin mission, but both sides acknowledged that
the other was aware of the implicit connection." In fact, they said, Mr. Bush
had not mentioned Jenin in his telephone call to Mr. Sharon on Saturday when
he proposed that Israel release Mr. Arafat in exchange for having British and
American wardens oversee six Palestinian prisoners wanted by Israel and held
in Mr. Arafat's compound.
"It's never that overt," one Israeli official said.

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