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[casi] Unofficial version of Iraq 'dual use' items list available

Dear list members,

An unofficial version of the 'dual use' items list adopted by the Security
Council in resolution 1409 earlier this month is available on the Office of
the Iraq Programme's website at

Those who have followed its evolution will note that its form has changed.
Whereas last year it had three parts (i. the 1051 lists; ii. based on
Wassenaar; and iii. a grab-bag of leftovers) it now has five sections,
corresponding to the four areas of controlled weapons (chem, bio, missiles,
nuclear) and a general one ('conventional').

This reorganisation has made it harder for my amateur eyes to determine how
much its contents have changed since last year.  I would therefore be very
interested in comments from individuals with arms and technology transfer
control expertise.

As a final note, while I've yet to see an official version, there does seem
to be an official document number: S/2002/515.  This perplexes me somewhat:
has the Council adopted a document that didn't exist at the time of its
doing so?

Colin Rowat

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