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Re: [casi] Full Amnesty Report on Iraq 2002

Dear CASI members,
I have to agree with hoggard when he comments on
human rights violations in Iraq saying: "we
should do all in our power to stop violations of
this kind".
I would be interested to know what did he do
trying to stop these violations when he was in
Iraq "speaking to anyone he wanted to" over
there. Or was he concentrating on "bad points"
of the sanctions system, "terrible though they
I was in Iraq prior to the Coalition attacks of
1991 and I wasn't able to notice any "heavy
investment in social programs"!! They needed to
be much heavier for ordinary Iraqis to notice
them, especially when they were "distracted" by
arbitrary detentions and mass executions.
I don't know what social programs hoggard was
refering to! Was it the social program of
Halabja? (4000 killed in hours) Or the social
program of Dujeil (whole town literally wiped
out in one day)?
If he meant these ones, yeah.. there were "heavy
social programs" prior to 1991. And the
government is doing a "quite
remarkable job" maintaining them.

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