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[casi] Halliday to lecture in London next Thursday

The following is an extract from a press release we received a couple of
days ago from the group Action for UN Renewal.

Best wishes,

voices uk

Denis Halliday, former United Nations Humanitarian Co-ordinator in Iraq
(1997-1998) will give the Erskine Childers Memorial lecture on Thursday 6th
June 2002 at 7:00pm at Friends House, Euston Road, London.

The title of the lecture is ‘United Nations: The Embarrassment of
International Law’; and the meeting will be chaired by Jenny Tonge, MP,
Shadow Minister for Development for the Liberal Democratic Party.

After a 34-year career with the UN (rising to the Assistant
Secretary-General level) Denis Halliday resigned in October 1998; to enable
him to speak out publicly about the terrible impact of UN economic sanctions
on the people of Iraq, free from the constraints imposed on him by his UN
post. In 2000 Denis Halliday was jointly nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize
with Kathy Kelly of Voices in the Wilderness, the campaign against sanctions
on Iraq.

Admission to the lecture is free and no ticket is required but a collection
will be taken to help cover expenses. Copies of Denis Halliday’s text, key
passages of which are given below, will be available afterwards.

"A sole hyper-power is dangerous. Rejection of international law is both
arrogant and irresponsible. And despite the inherent weaknesses of the
Charter, the peoples of the world need the United Nations to function - not
as intended in 1945 - but more in the best interests of all the peoples and
all states around the world…

"Security Council failure to respect the provisions of international law,
flowing from the Charter, now sadly embarrasses the United Nations and its
member states….

Nevertheless the United Nations remains the most essential instrument for
world peace and security…

"I am calling for recognition that no one country is above, or immune to the
requirements and obligations of international law. Respect for such law
ultimately best serves, and protects, all member states…"

For further information please contact:

Jim Addington (Chair), Tel: 020 8399 2547, Email:

Vijay Mehta (vice-chair) Tel: 020 7702 7633, Email:

Jim Addington is available for interview by arrangement.

Denis Halliday will be available for interview on Thursday 6th June by
arrangement; and will meet the press at 5:00pm at the Ibis Hotel in
Cardington St, beside Euston Station.

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