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[casi] CALL for HELP - Need bulleted points on GAO Report

RE: General Accounting Office (GAO) Report – “Weapons of Mass Destruction:
U.N. Confronts Significant Challenges in Implementing Sanctions against
Iraq.” May 23, 2002

Dear CASI-list folks:

I am writing to seek assistance.  On Saturday, the Education for Peace in
Iraq Center (EPIC) will be hosting a major forum on U.S. policy and Iraq
that will be held in Washington, DC.  Then our members will be meeting with
over 200 congressional offices to discuss UNSCR 1409 and the Bush
administration's possible plans to invade Iraq.

As you can imagine, we are overwelmed with all the preparations.

Thus, I need some folks to write bulleted analysis points on the new GAO
report on Iraq Sanctions. What does the report say that is good? What does
it say that is not so good? What's accurate and just plain wrong? Since this
report came out within the last two weeks, we expect to hear about it in our
meetings with Congress.  If you have time and interest, please contact me at

Here's the info on where to go to access the report.

Go to and click “GAO Reports”. Then click “Find GAO
Report” and enter “GAO-02-625” for “Find reports by report number.”

Sincerely, Erik Gustafson
Executive Director
Education for Peace in Iraq Center (EPIC)

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