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[casi] Electricity in Baghdad?

Hello All,

I recently returned from Baghdad where I and 14 other Americans participated
in a Peace Walk to raise funds for ill Iraqi children denied medical
treatment due to the sanctions.

Baghdad has far more electricity than it did in the past.  Almost every shop
I went into had air conditioning. We went to Saddam Tower, a tourist
skyscraper, and were treated to an evening view of what looked like a
modern, lit up city with no discernible brown-out/black-out areas. So has
the GoI been able to spruce up the electricity needs for Baghdad with
revenues from its non-UN authorized oil sales? That's the only conclusion I
can reach. Also, Tun Myat swears that phone lines within Iraq have vastly
improved even in his two year tenure, a development he suggested was due to
GoI's spending of non UN funds.

Comments, thoughts, insights? Best--Jennifer

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