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Re: [casi] Electricity in Baghdad?

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In a message dated 06/17/2002 6:24:10 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> . It was suggested that the Northern governorates
> where better off in some mysterious way than the Center-South. The
> truth is they are under the same sanctions and they receive
> proportionally the same amount of medical supplies under the OFF as
> the rest of Iraq, they suffer from irregular supplies through that
> programme because of deliberate obstruction by Baghdad and because
> of a slow UN machine

The following information, taken directly from UNICEF, contradicts this
Sixty-six percent of the Oil for Food Programme revenue (53% for south/centre
and 13% for the north of Iraq) is allocated for the provision of humanitarian
assistance to the Iraqi population. The southern and central regions of Iraq,
home to 85% of the population, is provided with 38% less per capita share of
the Oil for Food Programme than the north.    

UNICEF supported mortality and nutrition surveys have shown that the
humanitarian situation is better in the north with lower mortality and
malnutrition rates. There are many reasons for this including the per capita
disparity in the SCR 986 resources in favour of northern Iraq; the inclusion
of a cash component in the programme in the north; the severe depletion of
human resources in the south and centre and the positive impact of the large
and active NGO community working in northern Iraq.    

Roger Stroope
Peace is a Human Right
Austin College

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