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Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re: [casi] Full Amnesty Report on Iraq 2002

This may be helpful to all list members, esp. those concerned about an A.I.
response to the debate re. Amnesty's position on sanctions. B.G.

>Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: [casi] Full Amnesty Report on Iraq 2002
>Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 12:24:32 +0100
>Dear Bert,
>Thank you for your email, and sorry for the delay in you receiving this
>As I am sure you will understand, by the very nature of our work we are
>unfortunately bound to receive criticism regarding our publications, and
>are sometimes ironically accused of bias by all sides involved.  However,
>Amnesty International's work is grounded in accurate research, not in
>hearsay, rumour, or biased or slanted reports.  We collect and cross-check
>information from a wide variety of sources, as well as - where possible -
>sending fact-finding missions to assess the situation on the ground.  Each
>piece of information is rigorously checked before ever reaching the stage
>of being released into the public domain.  In order to safeguard the safety
>of our sources, it is obviously not possible to release information about
>their identities.
>As regards the human rights records of other countries bordering Iraq, this
>is irrelevant to the violations occurring within its own borders and
>certainly would not lessen their importance.  Unfortunately it is true to
>say that violations occur all over the world, however, Amnesty
>International looks at countries on their individual records and we do not
>'rank' countries by comparing them to others.  We are concerned with ending
>the specific human rights violations themselves, which will always remain
>our paramount concern.  We maintain a comprehensive website that contains
>full copies of all our news releases, reports, and Annual Reports
>(post-1996) where all of the information that we have published on any
>country is accessible:
>Independence and impartiality are fundamental principles in the work of
>Amnesty International.  We do not support or oppose any government or
>political organisation. As you will understand, human rights are universal
>and cannot be selective and it is in this respect that Amnesty
>International campaign for all human rights regardless of political
>ideology, religious beliefs or cultural, social or economic identity.
>As regards the point about 'western values', one only needs to look at the
>reports that have been issued about the situation in countries across the
>world to see that this is a baseless accusation.  Additionally, the writer
>neglects to mention that the Annual Report does, in fact, also mention
>civilian deaths arising out of US and UK air strikes on the country.  For
>the full text, please visit the following link:
>With reference to sanctions, Amnesty International does not take a position
>with regard to this matter, regardless of which country may be targeted.
>In relation to sanctions imposed against Iraq, we believe that the UN
>Security Council has a duty to periodically review the impact of sanctions
>on the Iraqi population and take appropriate action.  For further
>information I would draw your attention to the following news release:
>I hope that you find this information useful.  Thank you for your continued
>concern and support, and apologies once again for the delay.
>Yours sincerely
>Information and Publicity Office
>Amnesty International UK

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