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[casi] News titles, 17-20/7/02

News titles, 17-20/7/02

This is just, for the record, completing the mailing of the week before
last. I see nothing here worthy of note except the recognition, in the first
two articles, that this time round the rape of Iraq will probably have to be
followed by a more or less long period of concubinage. Which means that the
US government will have to assume responsibility for rebuilding what it has
destroyed. It was largely to prevent that awful eventuality that George Bush
Sr decided to leave the country in the hands of Mr Hussein. It is perhaps
the one consideration that would give his son a reason to hesitate.


*  US would keep troops in Iraq to aid reform [Although it seems very likely
that the US will wish to hang on to Iraq if only to prevent it from falling
into the hands of Iran, and to keep the Kurds and the Shi-i under control,
no source worthy of the name is given. Only Anthony Cordesman.]
*  Iraq: The Day After [Robert Kagan, a senior associate at the Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace, says Europeans are right to be anxious
since 'if the Bush administration is serious, then the United States is on
the verge of making a huge commitment in Iraq and the Middle East, not
unlike the commitment it made in Japan more than a half-century ago.'
*  Iraq turns to Belarus for expertise in oil industry, manufacturing
*  Goodbye Saddam, hello your Majesty [This article, here taken from the
National Post, 25th July, also appeared in the Daily Telegraph on the 19th
July, under the heading 'If Iraqis want a king, Hassan of Jordan could be
their man', so this seems an appropriate place to put it. Rubin praises
Hassan's 'genuine desire for peace', without mentioning that it was
manifested in his efforts to prevent the US war on Iraq (and that Jordan,
like the Yemen, was severely punished for it afterwards). He portrays Saddam
Hussein's war on Iran as an act of wilful badness without indicating that
having the Ayatollah Khomeini on your doorstep in the immediate aftermath of
the Islamic revolution would be a disquieting experience, especially if you
have a Shi'i majority in your country; he has Saddam suppressing the Kurds
without mentioning that the Kurds were allied to the said Ayatollah, and
that together they almost brought about the defeat of Iraq. A dishonest
article, then, but no more so than most of the rest that has been written on
the subject.]
*  Jordan prince touted to succeed Saddam [Michael Rubin's article could be
just an individual's bright idea but this article from the Guardian suggests
that Hassan has been cultivated by Wolfowitz and the Pentagon.]


*  Saddam Says U.S. Won't Be Able to Oust Government [Untendentious account
of Saddam's 17th July speech from the Tehran Times.]
*  Five reported dead in attack on Iraq

URL ONLY:,3604,757067,00.html
*  Saddam taunts 'evil tyrants' in 4,000-word tirade
by Brian Whitaker
The Guardian, 18th July
[The Guardian sneers that Saddam's 17th July speech was 'the mother of
speeches - a 4,000 word tirade against "devils" and "oppressors", wrapped in
a cloak of religious piety.' Is 4,000 words that long?]


*  Iraq lodges protest against US for refusing to grant visas ['to an Iraqi
delegation that was supposed to take part in the preparatory meeting of the
International Criminal Court in New York'. The article also reveals that the
US played visa games with the Iraqi delegation going to negotiate the return
of weapons inspectors with Kofi Annan, which is why the talks eventually
took place in Vienna. If this is true it is surely deeply scandalous so why
is no one making an issue of it?]
*  Malaysia calls US action against Iraq undemocratic
*  France Opens Court Inquiry Into Gulf War Syndrome

*  Iraq sees progress in talks with UN on arms inspection
Daily Star (Bangladesh), 20th July
[Just worth noting for the following, which should be kept in mind when
refusal to allow the inspectors in is used as a pretext for a fresh
massacre: 'UN disarmament chief Hans Blix "was hesitant, apparently under US
pressure, to accept an Iraqi proposal... to list what has been achieved in
disarmament, the outstanding issues, and the means to settle them ..."'


*  Homeless and friendless [This article is mainly about the condition of
the Kurds in Turkey, especially since the EEC, which was once quite
sympathetic, seems to have turned against them - just at the moment when
they formally renounced the armed struggle. Given the crucial question of
the role of the Kurds in Iraq this remains highly relevant to us but it is
still proving very difficult to get any real sense of the relation between
the Iraqi and Turkish Kurds (on the surface it looks simply as if the Iraqi
Kurds have sold the Turkish Kurds down the river ...)]

URL ONLY:,3604,756978,00.html
*  Iraq's Kurds assess risk of backing the US
by Michael Howard in Sulaymaniyah
The Guardian, 18th July
[Usual account of the Kurdish dilemma as usual missing the point made
recently by Colin Rowat that one of the Kurds' worries is that their
autonomy may not be protected if Saddam Hussein is replaced by a pro-western
Sunni strong man.]

AND, IN NEWS, 17-20/7/02 (2):


*  Hussein Tries to Mend Fences With Neighbors [Readers of these news
reports will know that Iraq's efforts to improve relations with other Arab
countries, especially through the signing of trade agreements, long predate
Bush's call for 'regime change'. Interesting (for those who didn't know it
already) to note that Naji Sabri, like Tariq Aziz, comes from a Christian
background. Extracts]
*  Turks deny debt deal the price of support
*  Israel TV shows "distribution" of cheques from Iraq to "families of
terrorists" [This article speaks volumes for the mentality of Israeli TV at
the present time. It begins by saying: 'The families of terrorists receive
financial compensation sent by Iraqi President Saddam Husayn. For the first
time, the camera documented the distribution of such funds in Gaza.' Then it
continues: 'The members of the bereaved families, who this time were not the
parents of suicide bombers ...' So the bereaved families were, in this case
- the one 'documented' by the camera 'for the first time' - simply ordinary
victims of Israeli terror. Yet the first sentence blandly characterises them
as 'families of terrorists ...']


*  Invading Iraq: Would the public go along? [Some indications that the
American public is not quite as enthusiastic for war as we are led to
*  'Let's get Saddam,' soldiers tell Bush
*  US senator demands vote before strike against Iraq


*  Iraqi exiles in Iran agree to help US: Attack to overthrow Saddam [The
SCIRI (here called SAIRI) says that if the US would confine themselves to
helping the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, then that would be all right.]


*  We're gonna kill Saddam, but we need an excuse [Christopher Hitchens, not
saying anything we don't know and not committing himself but doing so quite
*  Pentagon Probes Leak on Iraq Plans [But it is still difficult to believe
that the leak was not government inspired. It will be interesting to see if
the 'perpetrator' is indeed caught and punished. Doubly interesting if it
turns out to be Gen. Wayne Downing.]

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