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[casi] Congressional Hearing from A to A' + VW Peace

I spoke yesterday with Jim McDermott of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
staff to ask  him to urge Sen. Biden  to treat the world to at least a smattering
of democracy by permitted some substantive divergences   among the designated 
speakers. Asked him how I could  tell our students that the U.S. was a
functioning democracy if only prowar speakers, and a very narrow range of pro war
speakers at that,  were permitted to testify.

I suggested folks like Major Ritter and  former Assist. Sec-Gen of the UN Denis
Halliday and Bishop Gumbleton so that the Senate and U.S. would be exposed to
some different,  informed, humane, pragmatic  views.

    McDermott  claimed that the balance would be furnished by folks like Richard
Butler and  Morton Helpern in additon to the usual friends of war Right...

    He urged us all to tune in on C-Span.

     I guess before the U.S. degrades  and demolishes other countries it has to
prep  itself with the self imposed degradation of  lies, secrets and taboos which
sadly puts it  (along with the rest of the world) in peril of physical,
intellectual and spiritual demolition.

     In addition to protesting the psuedo democracy hearings, let's start
publicizing the Voices in the Wilderness' Iraq Peace Team initiative:

        "In the face of recent threats against Iraq, Voices in the
       Wilderness has initiated an “Iraq Peace Team” plan.
       The announcement envisions sending seasoned
       nonviolent activists to take up residence in Iraq, before
       and during a US attack, should such an assault occur.
       The Government of Iraq has agreed to the proposal in
       principle. It remains for us to now undertake numerous
       tasks needed to make this plan a reality, if needed, while
       at the same time working to prevent a US attack."

>From Washington, "The Center of It All",
Thomas J. Nagy, Ph.D.
George Washington University wrote:

> [ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]
> Wondering if anyone has heard anything on the CH?  Have they included Ritter,
> Sponeck, Ekeus, Halliday????  I havent heard or seen a thing from here, the
> blanket of Democracy.
> Roger Stroope
> Peace is a Human Right
> Austin College
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