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[casi] Bloody Media Game

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War And Forgetfulness -- A Bloody Media Game
by Norman Solomon
August 01, 2002

Three and a half years ago, some key information about U.N. weapons
inspectors in Iraq briefly surfaced on the front pages of American
newspapers -- and promptly vanished. Now, with righteous war drums beating
loudly in Washington, let's reach deep down into the news media's Orwellian
memory hole and retrieve the story.
"U.S. Spied on Iraq Under U.N. Cover, Officials Now Say," a front-page New
York Times headline announced on Jan. 7, 1999. The article was unequivocal:
"United States officials said today that American spies had worked
undercover on teams of United Nations arms inspectors ferreting out secret
Iraqi weapons programs.... By being part of the team, the Americans gained
a first-hand knowledge of the investigation and a protected presence inside
A day later, a followup Times story pointed out: "Reports that the United
States used the United Nations weapons inspectors in Iraq as cover for
spying on Saddam Hussein are dimming any chances that the inspection system
will survive."
With its credibility badly damaged by the spying, the U.N. inspection
system did not survive. Another factor in its demise was the U.S.
government's declaration that sanctions against Iraq would remain in place
whether or not Baghdad fully complied with the inspection regimen.
But such facts don't assist the conditioned media reflex of blaming
everything on Saddam Hussein. No matter how hard you search major American
media databases of the last couple of years for mention of the spy caper,
you'll come up nearly empty. George Orwell would have understood.
Instead of presenting a complete relevant summary of past events,
mainstream U.S. journalists and politicians are glad to focus on tactical
pros and cons of various aggressive military scenarios. While a few pundits
raise cautious warning flags, even the most absurd Swiss-cheese rationales
for violently forcing a "regime change" in Baghdad routinely pass without
In late July, a Wall Street Journal essay by a pair of ex-Justice
Department attorneys claimed that the U.S. would be "fully within its
rights" to attack Iraq and overthrow the regime -- based on "the customary
international law doctrine of anticipatory self-defense." Of course, if
we're now supposed to claim that "anticipatory self-defense" is a valid
reason for starting a war, then the same excuse could be used by the Iraqi
government to justify an attack on the United States (even setting aside
the reality that the U.S. has been bombing "no fly zones" inside Iraq for
Among the first to testify at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's
recent hearing on Iraq was "strategy scholar" Anthony Cordesman, a former
Pentagon and State Department official. He participated in the tradition of
touting another round of taxpayer-funded carnage as a laudable innovation
-- "our first preemptive war."
Speaking alongside Cordesman was Richard Butler, the head of the U.N.
weapons inspection program in Iraq at the time that it was spying for
Washington. At the Senate hearing, Butler suggested that perhaps the
Russian government could be induced to tell Baghdad: "You will do serious
arms control or you're toast."
Like countless other officials treated with great deference by the national
press corps, Butler strives to seem suave and clever as he talks up the
wisdom of launching high-tech attacks certain to incinerate troops and
civilians. As a matter of routine, U.S. journalists are too discreet to
bring up unpleasant pieces of history that don't fit in with the slanted
jigsaw picture of American virtue.
With many foreign-policy issues, major news outlets demonstrate a
remarkable ability to downplay or totally jettison facts that Washington
policymakers don't want to talk about. The spy story that broke in early
1999 is a case in point. But the brief flurry of critical analysis that
occurred at the time should now be revisited.
"That American spies have operations in Iraq should be no surprise," a
Hartford Courant editorial said on Jan. 10, 1999. "That the spies are using
the United Nations as a cover is deplorable."
While noting "Saddam Hussein's numerous complaints that U.N. inspection
teams included American spies were apparently not imaginary," the newspaper
mentioned that the espionage operatives "planted eavesdropping devices in
hopes of monitoring forces that guarded Mr. Hussein as well as searching
for hidden arms stockpiles."
The U.S. news media quickly lost interest in that story. We should ask why.

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