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Re: [casi] Iraq and the New Great Game

Sandra (and List),

I was surprised at your exaggerated reaction and personal attack on me for
expressing my opinions and adding remarks to an analysis for the causes of Bush's
war on Iraq.

The only knee-jerk response seems to be that of Zionists, who whenever any
finger is pointed at Israel or Zionism's role in messing the affairs of the Middle
East, start screaming. I am surprised I wasn't accused of being anti-Semitic. That
would have been a real joke.

Everything in the Middle East IS THE FAULT of the "evil Zionist empire",
whether you know that or not, or whether you like that or not. You have to be a
victim of Zionism's evil policies to understand that. It is an evil deed, from an
evil group, to think it has the right to come to a land, take that land from its
people by force, throw those people out, and keep the land under occupation for
over half a century, establishing an illegal state in its place. The effects of
that evil deed are the cause of all the problems in the Middle East.

I don't need lessons in the history of my part of the world to know what
happened; I don't either need to ask someone to tell me some invented stories.
I lived the Palestinian catastrophe from its beginnings until now, and know and
feel the suffering of Arabs.
I lived through 4 Israeli wars of aggression, and continue to see the same
criminal policies implemented over and over again.
And I continue to see how Iraqis are subjected to genocidal killings because
Iraq allegedly has WMDs, while Israel has over 200 nuclear heads and tons of
chemical and biological weapons without any objections from the "international
I see how Iraq is punished because it doesn't allow inspectors to come in to
look for suspected WMDs, but Israel is given full support when it refuses to allow
the UN team that was formed to investigate the Jenin massacre from entering the
Iraq is punished for allegedly refusing to implement SOME articles of ONE SC
resolution, while Israel can defy over 60 SC resolutions without punishment.

The only one who should be ashamed is a person who claims to be a
"..thoughtful, compassionate human being, who gives consideration to an
informed understanding of the Middle East", yet defends Zionism and Israel. If you
don't believe in the evil of Israel and Zionism, then I don't know in which world
you are living………

In 1919, Arthur Balfour asserted that "Zionism, be it right or wrong, good or
bad, is rooted in age-long tradition, in present needs, in future hopes, of far
profounder import than the desires and prejudices of the 700 0000 Arabs who now
inhabit the ancient land".

In 1979, Jimmy Carter told the Israeli Knesset that the relationship between
the US and Israel "is indestructible, because it is rooted in the consciousness
and morals and the religion and the beliefs of the American people themselves".

Throughout the whole insulting message, you never told us what the lies in my
message were.
s it a lie that Israel is allowed to develop and produce WMDs, without objection
or sanctions?

Or is it a lie that Israel is a threat to peace in the area and the world,
with incursions and attacks against its neighbors?

Or is it a lie that Zionists control decision making on US foreign policy
related to the Middle East?

JJ Goldberg, editor of the Jewish newspaper The Forward says "AIPAC has a lot
of influence on foreign policy. They work hard to ensure that America endorses
pretty much Israel's view of the world and the Middle East."

Are these the lies that we should be ashamed of, Sandra Lynton?

Is it a lie that the US is committed to the protection of Israel to the limit
that it was and is prepared to go to war to protect it? Do you think that the US
cared about Kuwait or Saudi when it attacked Iraq? If it cared, it wouldn't have
allowed missiles that reach those countries, but fail to reach Israel… If the US
cared about Human Rights, it wouldn't allow Israel to commit genocide and war
crimes against Arabs..

Where are the lies, Sandra Lynton?

Is it a lie that Israel was behind the massacre at Sabra and Shatila? Or is
it a lie that Israel is the ONLY STATE in the world without internationally
recognized borders, because Zionist plans are based on expansionism?
And is it a lie that without US support Israel wouldn't have been established,
let alone continue for over 50 years?

The Jewish community in Iraq was an integral part of Iraqi society, with
ministers, doctors, lawyers, teachers and of course businessmen. Your mother's
stories are the kind of lies spread by Zionist gangs at that time, and it is
unfortunate that she still believes in them, and that you too believe in that

In 1950, bombs went up in a Jewish synagogue in Baghdad, creating panic among
the Jews of Iraq amid accusations by Zionists that Jews were being persecuted by
Iraqis. The aim was to get them to immigrate to the illegal entity called Israel,
built on land taken from its original inhabitants by force. Some Jews believed the
fabrication, and left Iraq. Very soon after that, the real people behind the
attacks were caught, and came out to be Jews themselves, working for the Zionist
gangs which formed the government of Israel. I would suggest that you read Naeim
Giladi's article at ( He too is an Iraqi
Jew, and lives in the US. Similar attacks were carried out in Egypt by Zionist

What murderous atrocities were you referring to?

Were the houses of Jews in Iraq bombed with two ton guided bombs from fighter
bombers, killing all in them? Were Jews collaborating with Zionist gangs
assassinated, or were they given public trials? Were the houses of those
collaborators blown up and their families deported? Were their trees pulled out,
or their wells destroyed? Or did they have different number plates for their cars?
Did the Iraqis shoot babies and children in full view of the world?

In 1950, Iraqi Jews were permitted, by the Pro-British Government of Nuri
Sa'id, to leave the country within a year provided they forfeited their
citizenship.  Many would tell you that the British were behind that decision, in
order to support the Zionist plan of getting Jews to go to Israel. Of course not
all Jews left, and there is still a small Jewish community in Iraq.

Those who advise others to think in a historical context, should do so
themselves, not listen to stories from mothers or relatives.

Moshe Beilinson, wrote in 1948 'Blood always draws in its wake more blood.
Blood is always avenged. If we start once on this path, we can not know where it
may lead.' He was talking about Jews killing Jews…

If you are worried that the world is truly a disturbing place, don't believe
and promote lies yourself.

In peace

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