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[casi] Re: Tim Haines article on Iraq


It is a hallmark of those with weak arguments on their own side that
they are forced to fabricate even weaker versions of their opponents'
arguments. Tim Haines fails to address the central issues in the
current Iraq crisis ('"And then what?" is no defence against action in
Iraq', Times, 7 August 2002).

The authentic anti-war movement opposes war on Iraq because it
would be illegal, unjustified, immoral, and, in the view of Save the
Children, could well trigger a humanitarian disaster in Iraq.

Crucially, the only way to be sure that Iraq does not develop weapons
of mass destruction is to reinstitute the Ongoing Monitoring and
Verification programme that was in place in Iraq before the United
States instructed Richard Butler, head of UNSCOM, to withdraw his
staff in advance of Operation Desert Fox in December 1998 (see
Darren Smith, letters, 7 August 2002).

The web of hundreds of cameras and chemical, biological and nuclear
monitoring devices were then, and remain now, the only way to
ensure that the previous programmes are not reconstructed. Instead,
Washington is undermining attempts to return weapons inspectors to
Iraq by refusing to rule out launching a war even if inspectors go in.

Tim Haines is willing to launch an illegal war simply to install 'an
orthodox military administration in Baghdad'. His 'orthodox'
dictatorship is almost certain to pursue weapons of mass destruction
because of the regional arms race with Iran and Israel. War does not
solve that problem - only a monitoring regime can do that.

President Bush has rightly said that 'inaction is not an option'.
However, the advocates of war fail to acknowledge that 'inspection is
an option'.

Yours faithfully,

Milan Rai
29 Gensing Road
St Leonards on Sea
East Sussex
TN38 0HE
01424 719 570

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