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[casi] Anyone think we could get Donahue to air Ramsey Clark?

Hear Ramsey Clark tomorrow live from Iraq on Pacifica
Radio's Democracy Now!

Tuesday Aug 27
At 9am!

Listen in:
San Francisco at KPFA 94.1 FM
Los Angeles at KPFK 90.7 FM
NY at WBAI 99.5 FM
Washington, DC at WPFW 89.3 FM
Houston, TX at KPFT 90.1 FM

Press Release Aug 26

Calls for Mass Anti-War Demonstrations in the U.S. on
October 26 to Say
"Stop the War Before It Starts"

While the U.S. prepares for war against Iraq, former
U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark has just arrived in
Iraq with a five-person fact-finding peace delegation.

The delegation is meeting with high government
officials, family members of people who were killed in
the U.S. bombing of Basra August 26, and visiting
hospitals and food distribution centers. The group is
touring Basra at the site of yesterday's bombing raid
that killed eight civilians.

The purpose of this trip is to report on the latest
effects of U.S.-led UN sanctions against the Iraqi
civilian population, and to show solidarity with the
people of Iraq who are facing the prospect of an
imminent US war of aggression. Ramsey Clark is the
founder and chairperson of the U.S.-based
International Action Center, which has campaigned
against the devastating economic sanctions on Iraq for
the last decade.

The delegation also includes Mara Verheyden-Hilliard,
an attorney and co-founder of the Partnership for
Civil Justice?LDEF; Johnnie Stevens, co-director of
the People?s Video Network; Kadouri al-Kaysi,
coordinator of the Committee in Solidarity with the
Iraqi People; and Brian Becker, co-director of the
International Action Center.

"It is clear from our discussions with both officials
and average Iraqis that the people of this country
hope that people of conscience in the U.S. and around
the world will join together in building a massive
movement to stop the war being planned by George Bush,
Donald Rumsfeld and the other warmongers in the White
House and Pentagon," stated Mara Verheyden-Hilliard.

"Iraq is still reeling from the impact of economic
sanctions," Verheyden-Hilliard continued. "In our
meetings with officials from the health ministry today
we have learned that mortality rates for children and
the elderly have actually increased in the last twelve
months. More than 8,000 people die needlessly this
month from hunger and water-borne diseases and the
degrading of Iraq's health care system. According to
the United Nations statistics more than a million
Iraqis have perished from sanctions. The so-called
debate in the U.S. establishment is over whether Iraq
should be invaded today or tomorrow or next year. That
misses the point. The US has conducted an illegal
non-stop war against Iraq for more than ten years and
it must end now. We are organizing against war and

Clark is the author of a recent letter (full text at addressed to the UN Security Council
and copied to the UN General Assembly, denouncing new
plans for a U.S. war on Iraq -- plans that include the
use of 250,000 troops.  Since its dissemination at the
UN, the letter has been translated into Arabic,
French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and

"Twelve years ago when the U.S. organized the aerial
slaughter it was able to build an international
coalition against Iraq. Most governments in the
coalition joined as a result of US bullying and
coercion. Today the US government is isolated. All the
people of the world and all twenty two of the Arab
League governments oppose this plan for unprovoked
aggression that violates all international law,"
stated Ramsey Clark. "We have come to Iraq to help
galvanize the active mobilization of world
opinion which stands in opposition to this planned
war. This war can be stopped but only if the people of
the world take action now."

The third edition of Ramsey Clark's book The Fire This

Time: U.S. War Crimes in the Gulf will be released in
mid-September 2002. The book constitutes the most
comprehensive and well researched analysis of the
events leading up to the 1991 Gulf War and the war
crimes and crimes against humanity committed by US and
Allied forces during the 42-day assault. The third
edition is being published by the International Action

Ramsey Clark and other members of the peace delegation
to Iraq are available for interviews via telephone
Contact Tony Murphy at 212-633-6646.

For more details about October 26 check out our
website at


New York: 212-633-6646
Washington DC: 202-332-5757
Chicago: 773-878-0166
Loa Angeles: 213-487-2368
San Francisco: 415-821-6545

International A.N.S.W.E.R.
Act Now to Stop War & End Racism

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