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[casi] more from the Peace Delegation in Iraq

While the U.S. prepares for war against Iraq, former U.S. Attorney General
Ramsey Clark arrived in Iraq with a five-person fact-finding peace
delegation, last Monday.

The delegation is meeting with high government officials, family members of
people who were killed in the U.S. bombing of Basra August 25, and visiting
hospitals and food distribution centers. The group is touring Basra at the
site of Sunday's bombing raid that killed eight civilians.

The purpose of this trip is to report on the latest effects of U.S.-led UN
sanctions against the Iraqi civilian population, and to show solidarity with
the people of Iraq who are facing the prospect of an imminent US war of
aggression. Ramsey Clark is the founder and chairperson of the U.S.-based
International Action Center, which has campaigned against the devastating
economic sanctions on Iraq for the last decade.

"It is clear from our discussions with both officials and average Iraqis
that the people of this country hope that people of conscience in the U.S.
and around the world will join together in building a massive movement to
stop the war being planned by George Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and the other
warmongers in the White House and Pentagon," stated Mara Verheyden-Hilliard,
delegate from the Partnership for Civil Justice.

"Iraq is still reeling from the impact of economic sanctions,"
Verheyden-Hilliard continued. "In our meetings with officials from the
health ministry today we have learned that mortality rates for children and
the elderly have actually increased in the last twelve months. More than
8,000 people die needlessly this month from hunger and water-borne diseases
and the degrading of Iraq's health care system. According to the United
Nations statistics more than a million Iraqis have perished from sanctions.
The so-called debate in the U.S. establishment is over whether Iraq should
be invaded today or tomorrow or next year. That misses the point. The US has
conducted an illegal non-stop war against Iraq for more than ten years and
it must end now. We are organizing against war and sanctions."

"Twelve years ago when the U.S. organized the aerial slaughter it was able
to build an international coalition against Iraq. Most governments in the
coalition joined as a result of US bullying and coercion. Today the US
government is isolated. All the people of the world and all twenty two of
the Arab League governments oppose this plan for unprovoked aggression that
violates all international law," stated Ramsey Clark. "We have come to Iraq
to help galvanize the active mobilization of world opinion which stands in
opposition to this planned war. This war can be stopped but only if the
people of the world take action now."

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