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[casi] FW: Is an attack on Iraq legal?

thanks again to Rick Rozoff - Stop NATO.

The Hindu
September 4, 2002

Is an attack on Iraq legal?
By V. S. Mani

The U.N. Security Council alone is competent to
authorise military action under its direct control
against a recalcitrant state.

THE STAGE is being set for the United States to take
unilateral military action against Saddam Hussein. The
`hawks' in the U.S. administration are in a frenzy
even as the first anniversary of the September 11
terrorist attacks draws near. The Defense Secretary,
Donald Rumsfeld, has said that fleeing Al-Qaeda
terrorists from Afghanistan have found refuge in Iraq.
He ridiculed the suggestion that Mr. Hussein was
possibly unaware of this. He is reported to have said:
"In a vicious, repressive dictatorship that exercises
near-total control of its population, it is very hard
to imagine that the Government is not aware of what is
taking place in the country." (He would not, of
course, extend the same logic to other, `friendly'
military dictatorships!). Addressing a National
Convention of the American Veterans of Foreign Wars on
August 26, the U.S. Vice-President, Dick Cheney,
conceded that "Intelligence is an uncertain business,
even in the best of circumstances". Yet, he was
convinced that, "simply stated, there is no doubt that
Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction.
There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against
our friends, against our allies, and against us. And
there is no doubt that his aggressive regional
ambitions will lead him into future confrontations
with his neighbours ó confrontations that will involve
both the weapons he has today, and the ones he will
continue to develop with his oil wealth". "The risks
of inaction are far greater than the risk of action,"
he thundered to the enthusiastic applause of the war

The legal arguments in support of a possible
pre-emptive attack on Iraq appear to be three-fold,
one based on the U.N. Security Council resolutions,
the second, the right of self-defence, and the third,
a duty to prevent and punish acts of international

So far the Security Council has, acting both in camera
and in open sittings, adopted wide-ranging resolutions
pursuant to its broad powers of enforcement action
under Chapter VII of the U.N. Charter. Resolution 678
of November 30, 1990, inter alia, authorised
"member-states cooperating with the Government of
Kuwait," i.e., the 28-member multinational group led
by the U.S., "to use all necessary means to implement
Security Council Resolution 660 (1990) and all
subsequent relevant resolutions and to restore
international peace and security in the area". It was
well known that "necessary means" included the use of
military force by the U.S.-led multinational group,
which the Cuban representative promptly characterised
as "a virtual declaration of war". Can this resolution
be the basis for further military action against Iraq?
Obviously not. Its purpose was to vacate the Iraqi
invasion of Kuwait and resolve related issues. While
one may have serious legal reservations about the
Security Council's constitutional power to delegate
unconditionally its plenary powers (to employ armed
forces on behalf of the organisation) to a selected
group of states to be exercised without any
accountability to the Council, this authorisation
expired when the objectives of vacating the aggression
were achieved by April 1991. Hence, the all-pervasive
Council resolution 687 of April 5, 1991, which laid
down the framework for shearing Iraq of all potential
for weapons of mass destruction, chemical and
biological weapons, and delivery systems, under
international supervision. Violations, if any, of the
obligations imposed on Iraq by this and other
subsequent resolutions would call for remedial action
by the Council acting under Chapter VII. It would not
justify unilateral action by the U.S. outside the
framework of the Charter. No one has authorised the
U.S. and its allies to sit in judgment over such
violations and `enforce' the obligations imposed by
the Council, on its behalf.

A second basis for possible unilateral action by the
U.S. against Iraq would be self-defence. But where is
the justification for such action? Military action in
self-defence must respond to an armed attack. Two
arguments are raised here in support of the U.S. One,
Iraq has been shooting at U.S. and British aircraft
over the two "no-fly zones" over Iraq and hence the
several retaliatory air strikes by the U.S. and U.K.
over the years since March 1991 when these zones were
established. The legal basis of these "no-fly zones"
is claimed to be the Council resolution 688 of April
5, 1991. This resolution, adopted not under Chapter
VII, condemned the repression by the Iraqi Government
of its Kurdish population, which amounted to a threat
to international peace and security. In fact, the
establishment of these zones was a unilateral act by
U.S.-U.K.-France, a clear violation of Iraqi
sovereignty, and no authority flowed from the Council
resolution. In other words, the establishment of the
no-fly zones was illegal per se and no right of
self-defence arises in defence of an originally
illegal situation.

A second argument on the basis of self-defence is more
remarkable. The Dick Cheney argument runs thus: Saddam
Hussein's `conduct or history' does not give any scope
for hope. The U.S. should not repeat the mistake it
made during World War II in ignoring the magnitude of
the danger it faced until it received, unexpectedly, a
devastating blow at Pearl Harbour. "What we must not
do in the face of a mortal threat is give in to
wishful thinking or wilful blindness." So, don't wait
until the `monster' hits you with nuclear weapons or
other weapons of mass destruction. Thus, action now
and a regime change in Iraq are in order. This
argument is legally flawed in two respects. First, the
use of force in self-defence is justified only in case
of an armed attack, not in case of a perceived
security threat. Second, effecting a regime change is
not the function of an outside power; it is inane in
the face of the Iraqis' right to self-determination.
Forcible intervention to effect a regime change was
roundly condemned by the International Court of
Justice in the Nicaragua case. (1986, paragraphs 255,

Finally, does the obligation of every state to
"prevent and punish" acts of international terrorism
imply a right to resort to military force
unilaterally? The obligations in respect of
"preventing and punishing" criminal acts of terrorism
are obligations to be implemented within the
territorial jurisdiction of a state. By no stretch of
imagination can a duty to "prevent" imply a duty to
"take unilateral military action" against another
state under the facade of enforcement of international

At any rate, since the adoption by the Security
Council of Resolution 1373 on September 28, 2001, the
Council alone is competent to authorise military
action under its direct control against a recalcitrant
state. Nor can the U.S. claim an extended right of
self-defence based on the September 11 attacks on the
specious argument that many Al-Qaeda operatives,
driven out of Afghanistan, have now found safe havens
in Iraq illustrating Mr. Hussein's complicity in
promoting international terrorism.

It is understandable that arrogance of power usually
leads to a preference for unilateralism in use of
military force. In any unilateral action of this type,
the biggest casualty is the truth. It is therefore
advisable to seek the interposition of the available
international organisation in such matters.

Organisational interposition has a dual advantage.
One, a claim of gross violations of international
obligations could be subject to multilateral
appraisal. Two, responses to them would have better
chances of international legitimacy and

(The writer teaches International Law at the School of
International Studies, JNU.)

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