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[casi] Iraq and oil...

Dear CASI members
I am new to this list (which I am enjoying very much), so I hope this is a
relevant posting.

I have just sent this letter to The Guardian - Mo Mowlam's article 'The real
goal is the seizure of Saudi oil', to which I refer, can be found here:,2763,786332,00.html

Dear Sir
I wrote this before reading Mo Mowlam's Comment in today's Guardian (The
real goal is the seizure of Saudi oil) - it seems even more relevant having
done so.

An alternative opinion poll on war against Iraq
How much are ordinary people aware of the central role of oil resources in
the move to change the regime in Iraq?  I've drafted a suggested opinion
poll below, the results of which would be enlightening if published.
Perhaps such a poll has already been carried out secretly to inform the US
or UK administration....

- The results might show that people are not willing to go to war over oil -
in which case the US and British line stressing the threat of weapons of
mass destruction would appear to be justified, if public opinion is to be
brought on board.  But this line should leave our leaders with troubled
consciences and sleepless nights, as it will rebound on them very seriously
once they are 'found out' as having misled the public - which will happen
once a 'liberated' Iraq was opened up to allow journalists, aid workers,
building workers, hospital and education consultants, archeologists,
tourists etc etc, to travel around and talk to ordinary Iraqis.

- On the other hand, the poll might show that Western people are willing for
their leaders to go to war to secure resources for themselves.  In which
case, why are Bush and Blair not be more honest now for the real reasons for
war?  But of course they can't be, can they, because to do so would provide
further evidence of the West's exploitative attitude towards the world's

The suggested poll:
1.  How acceptable is it for a Western country to go to war against another
country for any of the following reasons:
- because that country is ruled by a dictator?
- because that country is ruled by a dictator who is hostile to the West?
- because that country is ruled by a hostile dictator AND has resources
which the West needs (eg. oil, gold or diamonds)?
2.  As you may have heard, the US President is arguing that his country
should go to war on Iraq, and the UK Prime Minister is supporting him.  How
acceptable would war on Iraq be to you if you thought it was for any of the
following reasons:
- to prevent development of weapons of mass destruction which might be used
on the West?
- to support persecuted people in Iraq, such as the Kurds?
- to overthrow Saddam Hussein?
- to make sure that Iraq's oil is available to Western countries?
3.  Are you aware that Iraq is one of the largest producers of oil in the
Middle East?

Cathy Aitchison
Aitchison Media & Development
Mitcham, Surrey

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