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Blair's cowboy stance 'sending a message'
Fashion pundits say British PM 'ready to go for the

Joseph Brean
National Post

Thursday, September 05, 2002

Fashion industry experts have jumped on this picture
of British Prime Minister Tony Blair, left, who they
say deliberately emulated the favoured 'gunslinger'
stance of George W. Bush, the U.S. President, as a
sign of support for an impending military strike
against Iraq.

George W. Bush's gunslinger style seems to be catching
on with Tony Blair, the British Prime Minister.

In front of photographers this week, Mr. Blair struck
what various fashion pundits described yesterday as
the "John Wayne thumbrest."

This time-honoured, cocksure pose -- which relies on
the front-facing pockets of the working man's blue
jeans --makes the poser seem "cool, heroic, confident
and sexy," but always ready to draw and fire, they

"Those hands are ready to go for the gun," said Anne
Sowden, a Toronto-based corporate image consultant.

Mr. Blair is Mr. Bush's main ally among world leaders
for the military action he has sought against Iraq
unless weapons inspectors are allowed into the Middle
Eastern country.

Mr. Blair has been criticized in Britain for signing
on too quickly to a plan that lacks United Nations

The cowboy pose was held up yesterday as an example of
his sycophancy.

"It's sending another message that he supports Bush,"
Ms. Sowden said.

"He's trying to emulate the gunslinger stance, but I
think he's missed the boat."

His shirt is coming untucked, he is showing too much
cuff, and he generally looks stiff compared to Mr.
Bush, she said.

She likened Mr. Blair's apparent effort to style
himself a Texan to his recent plans to purchase a
prime ministerial jet, which the British press has
dubbed "Blair Force One" after Mr. Bush's plane, Air
Force One.

"Here he is, Savile Row meets the Wild West," joked
Fashion Television host Jeanne Beker, who was less
willing to criticize Mr. Blair, whom she finds "cute."

Mr. Bush, she said, "looks like a Ralph Lauren ad

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