The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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[casi] George H. Bush (41)

[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

Hello my fellow CASI'ers.  On the first of November of this year, George H.
Bush (41) is coming to my campus.  We feel that this is an opportunity to
have direct access to George W. Bush (43).  I have written, rewritten,
re-re-written the following petition.  It will never be finished therefore I
have simply given up with the following offering as the final final draft.

I have people from around the USA that will collect signatures, and am
hopeful that my friends here at CASI will help me to collect signatures from
many other countries.

My hope is that you will email me letting me know of your support.  I will
then send you the attachment directly which is formatted with signature lines
etc.  I will also send you my address here in Texas with the hope that you
will forward me the downloaded, signed petition page(s) by mid October.

As I have no shame, I will beg as many of you as possible to take this
hopeful step and let George W. Bush know that there are people around the
world who oppose his plans.

Hopefully yours,

We the undersigned, members of the global community, operating under the
profound belief that all life is sacred and that peace is a fundamental human
right, call upon the 43rd President of these United States, George W. Bush,
to do the following:

1)As the leader of the lone remaining super power, to strictly adhere to our
obligations as a member of the United Nations in all International exchanges.

2)To fully exercise all diplomatic channels in bringing our global neighbors
together under the banner of peace and non-violence.
3)To apply only non-violent diplomacy to the current crisis in Iraq as well
as all conflicts from this day forward in order to foster a new paradigm of
peaceful conflict resolution, and end the scourge of war for all time.

Roger Stroope
Peace is a Human Right
Austin College

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