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[casi] Last minute descisions to save world.

[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]


      (For Your Decision making needs)


      Ref. No: A1005


      Date: September 15, 2002

 Dear Sir,

  I am sorry to say that America, Iraq and United Nations are unable to solve a problem which may 
lead to a war or killing of 100 thousand people.

My company has a great vision and expertise to solve this Global problem. I would 
like the three organizations to get my suggestion before making any decision which may lead to 
killing of masses or World War III.

With our expertise I promise that USA, Iraq and United Nation will get the best decision which will 
help our world and bring peace and harmony in our society.

My company will bring impartial solution to this Global problem which the USA, Iraq and United 
Nation can accept after viewing all the aspects of my report. Making any decision without proper 
planning is very dangerous to our world.

I hope you will consider my last opinion to save this world.

I would take just a little money for our consultation. My decisions will be better than any others 

1) I have no motives involved for USA or Iraq or United Nation.

2) My decisions will be impartial.

3) You are allowed to not accept my proposals incase your country man disagrees.

4) My company will get enough money and respect by working on this contract. So to maintain my 
Good-Will I will always try to give the best Solution.

5) Any one not understanding the reasons for decision will be allowed to have a personal meeting 
with me.

6) My report can be published in United Nations to all countries in case of confusion.

Sanjay Sharma.


      (For Your Decision making needs)


      Ref. No: A1005


      Date: September 15, 2002

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