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[casi] an example of U.S. victory

I already responded (and was too lengthy) to Colin's
post, but as an addendum:  In 1990 I was in Nicaragua.
 Daniel Ortega was running for reelection against the
Chamorro coalition at least partly forged by the U.S.
The people undeniably wanted to re-elect Daniel (could
write volumes on this), but they were being crushed by
the embargo and further threats, so they voted as the
U.S. told them (then stayed in their houses the next
morning out of shame).

The U.S. has had basic control over Nicaragua ever
since.  In that time, infant mortality has risen again
to the Somoza levels.  Starvation is currently the
main problem.  In short, the bottom has fallen out of
Nicaragua.  They should have bitten the hand that
falsely promised to feed them.


--- Diarmuid <> wrote:
> Colin writes that "the fastest way to remove
> sanctions may be to allow the
> US to topple Saddam's regime". Might I suggest that
> the quickest way to end
> sanctions would be to immediately lift all of the
> restraints being put on
> Iraq and trade with Iraq? If war is allowed to go
> ahead, the potential
> ramifications could last for hundreds of years.

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