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Re: [casi] Campaign Against Sanctions?

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In a message dated 09/15/2002 11:41:48 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> when Saddam is removed public awareness is such that it is far more
> difficult for the US to put in a puppet government and are forced to edge
> closer to true democracy.

The US has maintained a genocidal campaign for a decade in the face of
widespread international recognition of the sanction death machine.  Public
knowledge notwithstanding.  I doubt that anything would forestall a puppet
gov in Iraq which reflects only US interests especially as they relate to the
privatization of the Iraqi peoples resource, oil.

There is no way that the US will allow a democracy reflective of all the
people of Iraq.  The S-Muslims of the south will never be allowed to dominate
governance of Iraq as long as the racist notions of Christian US Policy
exists and the fear of fundamentalism (whatever that is) remains.  There is
no way the US will allow Kurds of the north to control the government of Iraq
due to the situation with the Turks.  That leaves what?  REGIME change which
is all that is being discussed.  Therefore, we are talking about changing one
dictator for another and murdering thousands in the process.  Do we then
further damage the collective psyche of the citizens of Iraq by taking the SH
out and putting in someone who reflects the interests of the Empire?  At
least we, the world recognize the real challenges with SH.  Put a puppet in
and you have the unswerving support of the Puppetmaster and the Iraqi people
are simply expoited with the wink and nod of the world.
No war!
No sanctions!
Saddam?...what to do?

Roger Stroope
Peace is a Human Right
Austin College

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