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Re: [casi] Lisa's post - Sunday Herald report/Project for the New American Century (PNAC) paper

Dear Lisa and casi members
I've never seen the Sunday Herald ( ) so can't
comment, but there's a
BBC business story about it here:

The blueprint/paper refered to in Neil Mackay's article is included as a
link from
'Defense Strategy Debates: the QDR Page conpendium of online resources'
The paper is listed as follows:
Rebuilding America's Defenses:
Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century
Thomas Donnelly. Washington, DC: Project for the New American Century,
September 2000 (.pdf file)
The address of the link is
but the page - and indeed the whole Project for the New American Century
website - is
down (has been removed?) - I got 'Cannot find server'.
The following is from Google's cached version of the PNAC home page:
The Project for the New American Century is a non-profit educational
organization dedicated to a few fundamental propositions: that American
leadership is good both for America and for the world; that such leadership
requires military strength, diplomatic energy and commitment to moral
principle; and that too few political leaders today are making the case for
global leadership.

The Project for the New American Century intends, through issue briefs,
research papers, advocacy journalism, conferences, and seminars, to explain
what American world leadership entails. It will also strive to rally support
for a vigorous and principled policy of American international involvement
and to stimulate useful public debate on foreign and defense policy and
America's role in the world.

William Kristol, Chairman

Cathy Aitchison

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