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Re: [casi] Respect for the UN

Peter and all,

I wasn't surprised to read Peter's post (below) as it has become very blatant that America has 
every intention to go to war whether the UN backs it or not. The speech was an appeasement and held 
no ground when it came to evidence.

Aside from the UN questioning the motives for an attack on Iraq, Senator Bob Graham (Dem-Florida.) 
said on FoxNews yesterday that Hussein is "not one of the primary threats to the United States." I 
see many speaking out against this "plan of action" and yet Bush is still insistent.

There was another post below claiming the blueprint for this war began before Bush was actually 
elected. I am not sure how factual that is, for I haven't researched it to know. But if it is true, 
then this has been in the works a long time and organised without sought approval of the UN.

So with all of that in mind, one can only conclude this will happen with approval or not.

This not a preventive attack by the US and UK out of some speculative threat, but indeed it planned 
over the oil. Because we must ask ourselves why it is considered that the Iraqi violations of UN 
resolutions are seen so far worse than Israel's violations of UN resolutions - favouritism. I don't 
see plans to get Israel? Iraq has something the US wants...

Also I wanted to add a thank you to Peter Brooks for providing us with news! He makes it easier for 
us to get it all on one page rather than search for it.. so thank you!

~ Anai Rhoads

Dear all

A couple of recent quotes from Mr Bush for you to contemplate:

"The United States helped found the United Nations. We want the UN to be
effective and respected and successful. We want the resolutions of the
world's most important multilateral body to be enforced.'
George Bush addressing the UN General Assembly last Thursday, 12th September

''Democrats waiting for the UN to act?'' Bush asked with chuckle. ''I can't
imagine an elected . . . member of the United States Senate or House of
Representatives saying, 'I think I'm going to wait for the United Nations to
make a decision.' "
George Bush, apparently speaking on Friday 13th September, quoted in the
Chicago Sun-Times (UN agrees: Saddam's a threat), 15th September.

best wishes

Peter Brooke

- - - -
Forgiveness breaks the chain of causality because he who forgives you -- out of love--takes upon 
himself the consequences of what you have done. Forgiveness, therefore, always entails a sacrifice.

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