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Re: [casi] Response to Anai Rhoads thoughts


I think not only will the US eventually go to war (unilaterally), but will do so only after it 
claims Iraq does not comply with the "new" terms.

My prediction is that the new terms will be designed to make Iraq appear inflexible and 
uncooperative by making them (the terms) harder to comply with logically. This will then lead to 
*the* opportunistic avenue for the US to jump on Iraq, by giving them enough sympathetic votes from 
the UN.

~ Anai Rhoads

> I don't think US will act alone and cannot raise the bar without SC
> approval. UK now in very difficult position. Straw has said that if
> Inspectors are re-admitted then case for military action largely
> disappears. If UK doesn't support US then no-one will(Except Israel, of
> course) Blair was already in tough position with strong opposition in
> Parliament and with the people. Iraqi decision will increase the
> opposition. My understanding that US people not in favour of action without
> support.Position certainly more hopeful."
> Chris,

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