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[casi] Iraq WMD Dossier Statement

Two quotes:
"Our objective has been to assess, as accurately and dispassionately as possible,
Iraq™s current WMD capacities."
"Since Iraq forced inspections to end in December 1998, it has become more difficult to
learn about its activities and assess its capabilities."

Your second paragraph is a peculiar interpretation of the reality and is not in
keeping with your first. This then leads me to doubt the whole dossier which is
clearly timed to help the US & UK with their war aims.

Will things be different with UNMOVIC and Hans Blix or will the rogue states,
the US & UK, continue with their past practices? They are SO disappointed that
Iraq is letting the inspectors in.

For the disarmament of Iraq to succeed it is necessary to indulge in diplomacy, to
respect their sovereignty, offer guarantees on security and be even-handed. It is
also necessary to remove the causes of their desire to acquire WMD which are
clearly primarily for defensive purposes. This means regional security guarantees
tackling Israel (the mother of all rogue states when it comes to seizing land and
WMD and defying the UN) and Iran. However the greatest threat comes from the
US which clearly covets taking over Iraq and installing a puppet regime a la

Iraq had a number of concerns about the previous weapons inspections regime
that seemed to be more about humiliating Iraq, gathering intelligence information
and stringing out an excuse for genocidal sanctions and less about qualitative
disarmament. Disarmament of Iraq’s WMD was to take place within the context
of regional disarmament – there’s not been even the slightest gesture in this
direction (the US would veto any move on Israel of course). The US & UK
placed some spies amongst the inspectors and used inspections to collect data in
order to target Saddam Hussein. The previous Chief Inspector (Butler)
engineered a confrontation with the Iraqis. Instead of reporting to the UN he
reported to the US and pulled out the inspectors without UN approval. The US &
UK then used the engineered confrontation to launch Desert Fox targetting
Saddam Hussein and massacring sleeping soldiers (amongst other things) thereby
undermining the UNSC, the inspectors and the long term monitoring
arrangements. The inspectors destroyed equipment that produced animal
vaccines without ensuring adequate alternative measures. A preventable foot and
mouth disease subsequently devastated Iraqi livestock.

Mark Parkinson

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