The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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RE: [casi] BBC called... --- Hope a sentence or 2 can help.

This is the draft of my acceptance  to Project Censored for "The Secret behind
the Sanctions". It will be shown by video tape. For folks  in N. Cal., the
Ceremony will  be at Sonoma State Univesity on Sat. Sept. 28th.  I offer my
draft,  because, missing from the official discourse,  is any mention of the
predictable impact on  children (theirs, ours) of the escallation of the war
so dear to the heart of the Bush and his posse and poodles. Perhaps a phrase
or 2 from the draft may be helpful.

Nagy project censored 9 19 02i

In a few hours, I enter Iraq.

I’m very scared of going. America and its mercenaries deal harshly with

 But I am   even more scared of not going.

If I don’t investigate first hand the mountain of dead and dying children and
children who are slotted to die, I betray my beliefs. If I refuse to help
protect Article 54 infrastructure like water treatment, I surrender my own

Since my words alone have failed, I am compelled to    document the ongoing
waterborne epidemics and to shield a tiny part of the water system with my

Since I am very scared, I am not too proud to   beg the protection of your
words. The words of Project Censored people can release the pent up residue of
decency and compassion and self-interest and sanity inside America.

Killing the    infants of others must be the worst possible way to protect our
own infants.  In fact, nothing endangers our own kids more than killing
someone else’s kids.

We can continue to deny what Rep. Bonoir calls diplomacy by infanticide or we
can end the massacre that outrages the mute earth and endangers our children.

Choose life!

Thank you Voices in the Wilderness, Project Censored, Peace Studies-McMaster

>===== Original Message From Anai Rhoads <> =====
>Dear List,
>I just received a call from the BBC asking me to speak out on live radio this
Sunday regarding the weapons inspections. Unfortunately, I will be unable to
do it, but have given Erik Gustafson's (EPIC) information in case he decides
to speak on my behalf.
>They say they may still post my comments on the web site this Sunday along
with several others.
>Did anyone else get a call yet? And if so .. how many of you plan to speak on
the prog?
>~ Anai Rhoads
>- - - -
>Forgiveness breaks the chain of causality because he who forgives you -- out
of love--takes upon himself the consequences of what you have done.
Forgiveness, therefore, always entails a sacrifice.
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