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[casi] Building Palaces, while Iraq burns...

[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

It has been widely reported that SH has been building palaces whilst the
people of Iraq suffer.  I spent 45 minutes yesterday speaking with an
individual who worked in the Clinton administration, and the UN, and he
reiterated this claim.

I have read it, and even asked others to clarify, but have never heard
anything about this.  (By the way, my UN/Government contact had not read the
statements of Halliday, Sponeck etc.  He has always taken the line, "it is SH
fault."  His is a more nuanced understanding of "the all his fault doctrine",
but when he read a speach by Halliday, his eyebrows raised and he said,
"interesting," thanks D. Halliday!)  Now, can anyone help me with the Palace
building statements.  I spent time yesterday, but mostly found just rhetoric.
 So....HELP!  PLEASE!!

Roger Stroope
Peace is a Human Right
Austin College

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