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[casi] Iraq dossier claims proof of weapons

Found this link on the posted this morning:

"Tony Blair's dossier on Iraq will prove "beyond doubt" that Saddam Hussein's regime has weapons of 
mass destruction, Government sources say. Mr Blair hopes the document will win over sceptics in his 
own party and convince the international community that action has to be taken against Saddam. 
British Government sources said the dossier to be published by Downing Street on Tuesday, a few 
hours before the Commons meets, would "confirm beyond any doubt" Iraq still has weapons of mass 

We will have to wait until Tuesday to see what document contains. If anyone gets this publication 
or knows a link to it, please post it. I am interested to see what is said about the weapons 
allegations by Blair's dossier. It smells of fabrication to me, but we will wait and see...

~ Anai Rhoads

- - - -
Forgiveness breaks the chain of causality because he who forgives you -- out of love--takes upon 
himself the consequences of what you have done. Forgiveness, therefore, always entails a sacrifice.

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